13. Death

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The creatures, who I learned where named house elves, had cleaned up the dinner table a few minutes ago and the way the Malfoys would watch the house elves struggle without even blinking made me feel really uncomfortable.

The air had turned tense again because it seemed like Lucius was trying to find a good moment to discuss the important things but since, Draco, Narcissa and I were still present, he couldn't. Suddenly Narcissa got up and smiled at me.

"Let's leave them to it, okay?" Draco quickly got up and I followed his movements. The three of us left the diner room without looking back once. My heart was beating out of my chest when the door closed behind me and we all went silent.

A sudden screech and hushed voices caught us all to snap our heads to a door far into the hall. "Draco, why won't you show Goldie around the house!" She looked like she had just seen a ghost and before Draco could say anything she rushed off to the door, disappearing within seconds.

I watched Draco as he sighed for a short moment while turning towards me. He had no visible emotion on his face and he just suddenly walked away. With widened eyes I started to panic. Was I supposed to follow him or was he just escaping the situation?

When he had reached the second step on the staircase he made a sudden stop, before turning around, realising I hadn't been following him. "And you are waiting for...." I fluttered my eyelashes in surprise before quickly walking towards him.

"Sorry." I mumbled before we both went up the stairs, our shoes tapping against the stone floor, the sound echoing through the whole house. "This is the first floor." His voice made millions and millions of butterflies rise up in my stomach while goose bumps filled my arms.

"Folks room." He pointed towards two black doors, which had a rustic feel to them. It looked very dark in the whole manor and I couldn't figure out how Draco was able to feel home here. "My room." We walked past and my heart sunk when the door was carefully closed.

"Stairs to the second floor but-" He suddenly stopped and first I was confused but when I heard another yell from downstairs, I figured he had heard it as well. His cheeks reddened slightly while his frame stiffened.

"What's that noise?" I asked him, my eyebrows furrowing at his tense behaviour. "I don't know." I could instantly tell that he was lying. "Really?" I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms, waiting for him to spill.

It was as if a switch had been turned inside of him. His eyes went dark and within seconds he had his hands strongly gripped around my arm. He had me strongly pushed against the stone cold walls. "What are you doing to me! I can't fucking concentrate on what I need to do!"

I was at loss of words, my eyes quickly switched from his eyes to his beautiful lips. "I-I" I stuttered, my arms getting sore. "I don't know Draco." I mumbled, my eyes turning away now. He was still breathing heavily. "You're hurting me."

I whispered and when he realised he was still holding me against the wall, his eyes widened and he let go. "Sorry." He whispered almost inaudibly. Did the Draco Malfoy just apologize to 'the little Hufflepuff?'. We both just stood there for a couple of minutes before he cleared his throat.

"Let's get downstairs." I nodded in response before following him downstairs, back into the diner room. What did he mean by, he can't concentrate? Concentrate on what? Shivers went down my spine when I reminded myself that I was still suspecting him of using that spell on me.

"Welcome." An unknown voice caught my attention and when I looked up, I froze entirely. A man, who also didn't look like a man, with grey skin and piercing red eyes smiled at me. It wasn't a kind smile, no. It was a sinister smile.

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