Tell It To Me

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Hi! :) I'm updating once again because inspiration came in the form of the adorable, cute, precious, and any other adjectives describing their relationship you can think of, Carlos and Alexa PenaVega. I am eating their marital dynamic on this season right up; it is honestly one of my favourite things about this season as a whole, watching them be all lovey and supportive of each other each week! In saying that, this story is centrally Carlexa (apparently that's their ship name, I checked:P ) but Markney is at the beginning and at the end :) Please read and review : ) If you want part 2, ask. :) Because there is a cliffhanger ;) (This is both fluff and uhm, not so fluffy. you'll see :) I promise, it shouldn't make you uncomfortable or anything :P If you like it, I'll do more, cause guaranteed after tonight's dances there's going to be more inspiration agents hahaha :) BTW - this takes place week 2 :)


"And I understand. I understand why people hold hands. I'd always thought it was about possessiveness, saying 'This is mine.' But it's about maintaining contact. It is about speaking without words. It is about I want you with me and don't let go." - Unknown

He saw her from just down the hall, watched her stop abruptly at the door to her rehearsal space, and stare. The expression that her eyes held was one he couldn't place, couldn't name. It was something akin to being both caught off-guard and slightly awestruck, and at the sleight of the sun's bright hand, a yellowing light fared beautifully with her skin, her facial features becoming golden.

Coming up beside her, he tapped her shoulder, and she turned, placing a finger delicately to her lips in a shushing motion. She pointed to something in the middle of the room and his gaze followed her hand, finding two people lying on their sides, facing each other, in the middle of the floor.

The man had his one of his hands intertwined with the woman's, while the other played absently with her curls, and she was smiling in reaction to his acts of affection, biting her lip and bending her head down while a hot blush lit her cheeks as he whispered salacious words into her ear.  "Carlos PenaVega!" she scolded lightly. "I'm not even allowed to be here, and our partners could be back any moment now."

Carlos, undeterred, began to nibble gently on her ear, his voice a little louder this time. "I'm a man, and men are persistent Lex, you know that." His husky timbre  echoed throughout the empty space, and her body rocked with tiny tremors, as the masculine inflection of each word was stimulating the primeval arousal typical of mammals whose main biological role was to mate and reproduce.

"Los, baby, women are stubborn as hell. I'm not caving. You know that." Carlos just smirked, burying the hand that once held hers deep into her hair, tugging softly as he kissed her nose and her shoulders sagged in defeat. He then moved to her lips, wildly kissing with no restraint, chuckling into her mouth as his tongue caressed her teeth.

Mark's eyes widened as he watched the couple, feeling as though he was violating their privacy, because of course, he was. They were. Witney hadn't made a sound, or moved from where she stood at the door; she didn't look disgusted, or anything of the like. She looked to be almost wistful, envious. "I think we should say something," Mark whispered, eyes jumping from the walls, to the ceiling, to the person standing beside him. He avoided looking at those inside the room, not wanting to be witness to the lovefest any longer. Witney however, with a small smile teasing its appearance along her lips, focused on the pair in depraved fascination. "Let them be," she murmured, "You don't see this often."

Meanwhile, Carlos' hands were palming the flesh of Alexa's stomach through the tight fabric of her tank-top. He detached his lips from hers, retracting his teeth from the plumpness of her bottom lip as it sprang back into place, and ventured downwards. He halted his ministrations at her bellybutton, holding her bunched up shirt in his grasp as she squirmed at the loss of the feeling from his lips, begging for its return. "What are you thinking now, Lex? What do you want babe?"

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