Imagine This...

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I was watching Week 2 BrownSugar and Baega post-show interviews and there was this one interview where Alexa mentioned the costumes were like "chastity belts and impossible to get off" and now I have this fic vision like Carlos and Alexa take the costumes home cause like they were too lazy to get changed but then like on the way home they share this look like😏 cause Carlos' hand was just casually no chill on her upper thigh while driving and they go inside in a frenzy and when they get to the bedroom they try to get eachother's costumes off and it just won't happen so her costume's upper half is off  and they end up doing the whole "now pull!" and Alexa like slides off of the bed and just kinda dives to the floor cause she lost her grip on the duvet as Carlos pulled and just kinda looses it and can't stop laughing and then Carlos can't stop laughing and then they become this pile of limbs on the ground heaving because they can't breathe and then they just give up and watch HGTV for awhile cuddled up on top of the covers and decide to take a selfie then post it but Alexa's whiskers are all smeared from their earlier make out sesh and they didn't even realize until all of the comments on Carlos' post are all 😏😏😏 🎶drop that kitty down low🎶

Anyway, that came out in a rush of feels and so it's not a fic really but can't you imagine this happening!? 😍😂🙈 Dorks. 😂 And yes, my mind is always, always, always, in the gutter😂

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