Chapter One ~ Start

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Scared is what you're feeling. Brave is what you are doing -
Emma Donoghue ~Room


The media, has one way of corrupting the minds of the innocent, and leaving nothing for them, but the thoughts of the media.

I for one, hate the whole ordeal. People change themselves to be like the next big celebrity, without knowing what they have to go through everyday.

Like yes, I understand that in your eyes they have it all. But do they really? They have absolutely no privacy, and we have no idea what goes on in their lives.

Just like you are clueless about mine. You have no idea what I have to go through in everyday life. But I know that one day maybe you'll understand.

Maybe once you know my story, you'll understand why I did what I did. There's nothing left for me to hide, because like everything that was once a secret, it will find a sneaky way of getting the truth out. At the exact moment in time that could ruin your life.


"Liz! C'mon we gotta go!"

I sighed and grabbed an apple before rushing into Cleo's convertible. She rolled her eyes once she saw my outfit and drove to school.

Cleo is my best and only friend. She was literally the only person that has ever really been there for me. I knew that no matter what I would have Cleo to support me.

Having Cleo as a best friend was always such a blessing for me, I mean she could have been friends with anyone and she chose to be friends with me.

Cleo was adjusting her hair and once we drove off, she told me how dull her weekend was because her parents forced her to go to a family meal three states over.

I listened but I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness.


I walked into AP English and sat at the back of the class. I placed my earbuds in and blocked the world out.

Lucky for me, we had an essay to write, which requires no listening or interacting. My favourite type of lessons. This way, no one would approach me or try and make small talk, like I am here to learn not to make friends. I had Cleo I didn't need anyone else.

I glanced at the clock and knew that this would be a long lesson.

A loud knock on the door got me out of my trance. I looked up to see a slightly confused guy near the door.

He was a good looking guy, he was wearing a black t-shirt that had hinted at the fact he has muscles, with some black jeans. His hair was a dark brown and his eyes, are a captivating blueish green.

He walked in and Miss Appleby looked delighted to see him. I swear, I've never seen her this excited for a visitor in the class. I took my earbuds out, and waited for someone to speak.

"Class. This is our new student, now I expect you all to treat him the way you'd like to be treated. Now young man, why don't you introduce yourself? "

He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed

"I'm Cole Sanderson and I'm new here. I'm from Florida, and I recently moved here because of my family. "

Half the students, which was the female population had sighed whilst some guys stared and other glared.

I couldn't help but wonder what he meant about his family, from his behaviourisms I'm guessing it's something bad, but I might be mistaken or overthinking. His shoulders were tense, he clearly didn't want to divulge anymore than he already done.

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