The Search

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    "Tyler?" Claire said looking back at the kid she had once had a crush on. He was colored, about 6'1, and muscular with dark black hair that combed to the side of his head. He also had these light brown eyes that popped out compared to his dark skin. She had liked that he was funny. Then he told her and Ashley that be was gay. Neither of them were to surprised, but Claire was kinda disappointed. "What do you need Tyler?" Claire added smiling at one of her best friends.
     "To talk to you alone." He said leaning up againist the lockers behind him.
     "Derek I need a moment alone with Tyler. I will talk to you later." She said kissing him quickly and walking over to Tyler. She watched as Derek walked back into the classroom.
     "What do you need Tyler?" Claire said sweetly.
      "I need to let you know I heard every word of that conversation, but I'm her to help you. Yea your junior is smart, but I'm smarter and stronger. I will meet you at Noah's." Tyler said turning and walking away.
        Holy shit what do I do? Claire thought as she walked back to class.


       Claire sat in the front seat of Derek's car explaining to him what happened with Tyler. Derek sat silently watching the road listening intently to Claire's story.
     "Smarter then me? Is that even possable?" Derek said sacasticly glancing over at Claire.
      "Yea last year in computers he hacked the schools firewall and was messing up kids grades and in eighth grade he built a bomb out of a paper clip, a fire cracker, pencil lead, a match, and a snapped in half pencil. He also tricked the police scanners using a machine he made so his friend could flee the country and disappear from their radar and he has gotten strait A's since kindergarden." Claire said moving past the sarcasm in Derek's voice.
       "Damn I say let him help if he is that smart he could help a lot." Derek said pulling into the driveway that the Gps said belonged to Noah Grenrik.
      They walked up to the house as Claire messaged Tyler asking where he was.
       "I'm right here." Tyler said as he stepped out from behind a big willow tree that stood in Noah's front yard.
       "Well then lets get in there and talk to Noah." Claire said walking up and pounding on the door. The door slowly opened reavling a living room with no lights and thick black curtains covering the windows.
       Clarie walked in and looked around. The room was a mess it looked like a bar brawl had hit it. The coffee table was broke and papers were scattered all across the floor.
      "Claire I don't think he is here." Derek said walking over and looking at the 42'inch flat screen that now was shattered. What the hell happened here Derek thought as he walked into the kitchen looking around. All f the drawers were opened all the plates shattered on the floor, all the silverware dumped on the floor. A bloody knife laying on the counter. "Don't touch anything" He yelled back to the others.
       He walked around the island and stopped dead in his tracks. "Holy fucking shit. Get in here." He screamed. Claire and Tyler came running in. As it was the third body Claire had seen she just turned away. Tyler stood and stared at the body in shock and fear.
     Claire gathered enough courage to go over. Claire marched over and began examining the body. Claire bent over and reached in the dead girls pocket and pulled out another note Claire read it out loud. "Look on the back porch." The note had read.
       They all bolted for the back door Derek was the first one out then Tyler and then Claire. There was a box sitting on the picknick table like 3 feet in front of them. Claire went for the box. "Claire wait" Tyler yelled as his intinct's kicked in. "Don't open that box" He told her.
      "Why?" Claire asked.
      "Just don't. I have an idea." He moved the box carefully into the yard. He set it down gently on the trash can that was out there.
       "Derek this is where you come in hit the box with this." Tyler threw Derek a baseball.
        "Why me?" Derek asked looking at the box.
        "Because you got a scholarship for pitching" Tyler added with a smirk on his face.
Derek threw the ball it hit the trash can knocking it over along with the box and then the box hit the ground and blew up with such force that Claire flew back and hit a wall cracking it and passing out. Tyler flew back in to the fridge and fainted. Derek flew back and landed in the living room he also fainted.
               Hours Later
      Claire awoke lying in a dark damp room.
        She heard a speaker click on. Hey sister I guess we get to play hide and seek. Me and Brody are hiding and you have any hour to find us or he dies a varily painful death. The speaker was still on but this time it was Brody. Claire please its dark. Im scared. I want mamma. Then the girl cut Brody off.  Your hour starts now. The speaker shut off. Claire took of running through the dark of the creepy place.


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