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So I was scrolling through my notifications and I came upon one of the authors I follow and she wrote a chapter about deciding to kill herself, don't worry the support of all her followers changed her mind. But please, if you and anyone you know is going through depression or thinking about committing suicide, or anything that would harm themselves both mentally and physically help them, ask someone for help, talk to someone about your problems to get the weight off your chest or let someone tell you their problems, if you can communicate with anyone that you trust and love, please, do something, anything to make yourself happier but don't commit suicide, or cut yourself or any of that stuff, you'll get past it, you just have to wait. If you watch a lot of the famous youtubers draw my life videos, you'll see that they all went through tough times but they waited, and they got through it without harming themselves, heck even Rebecca who sang "It's Friday" and got a lot of hate pushes through it, but just know that there are billions of people in the world and there will be someone who will be there to help you, your not alone, people will be there to care for and help you.

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