Chapter 6.... I think?

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The doctor was setting up the machine that they would scan lisa with...

Shanes pov

I have to admit I was really nervous, it would be devastating if there was some kind of problem, and trust me I'm sitting here sweating and lisa was even worse than me! 

S: well we're next !

L: yah....

S: no matter what happens in there it gonna be fine in the end

I may be lying to myself but all just could do was try to calm her down...

Doc: Schwartz, Lisa Schwartz 

L: that's me..

Unfortunately I was not aloud to go in with lisa.... I am literally nervous as fuck right now....

Lisa's pov

Well, the doctor called my name me and shane got up, but then shane was told he can't go in sense he is not my husband or my family... and we're not in engaged so he had to wait out side.. so here is what happen, the doctor rubbed some stuff on my stomach and I had to lay down then he put a machine over me and began scanning,after he finished shane was aloud to come in

Doc: you may come in now

S: Thank you

Shanes pov

The first thing I did was run over to lisa and give her a hug then the doctor began talking

Doc: well r u ready for the news??

S & L: yes!

Doc: you have a healthy baby, and we're not 100 percent sure but we can sort of tell you are gonna have a boy! I will leave you to, to talk about it

Then the doctor existed and left me and lisa to talk to each other

S: Its a boy! I've wanted a son!!!

L: I can't believe all this... we're actually having a kid..

S: it's all real! Love you

L: love you to.. 

S: do you wanna think about names??

L: there not 100 percent sure if we're even having a boy

S: I know but just for the fun of it!

L: ok then

S: how about... hmmm. I've got it! James!

L: I love it! but I was thinking something like Sean!

S: Thats a good name to, I'm glad we don't have to decide right now!

Then the doctor walked in

Doc: well you guys are free to go your next check up should be in a month, but if the pain gets really bad go head and come back but make sure not to over exaggerate! Because there will be pain from time to time! Well I will see you next time, one more thing if you have to come back early or for some reason can't find me just ask for Doctor Michael ok well bye!

S: bye!

Lisa pov

I can't believe this... there is something growing inside of me?! This all a shock.. I'm glad shanes happy tho! Cuz he is really excited to be a father and all I'm just glad he is here so we got in the car by now it's probably, 10ish at night and I was really tired

Shanes pov

So we got in the car and began driving back to the apartment.. on our way home lisa fell asleep she must have been really tired! So I pulled up and carried her in the apartment and set her down on our bed and went out in the kitchen and I was just thinking... we're gonna be a family and all when this baby is born so... the baby is gonna need parents who stick together... maybe it's time... I've been with her for 3 years! Almost 4!! It's probably time... I should propose... after hours of thinking lisa was still asleep she must have been really tired she has a meeting to go to tomorrow so I think I will call them and tell that she's pregnant and she probably won't make it and that goes along with all the other people she work's with .. but uh either tomorrow or the next day I'm gonna call joey and drew and we will meet up and talk about the proposal... I wanna see what they think while I'm on the subject I'm gonna tell them about lisa being pregnant to! I've gotta a lot of plans that need to be done in a weekend I'm just so glad that lisa is my girlfriend and soon to be fiance!! 


It's about time I update this story!! Oh and again sorry about the title I keep forgetting to try to change it because no one is gonna get adopted in this story! Lol well I hope you guys like this chapter they found out they might have a boy and shane might propose! It's gonna get crazy in the next chapter I think maybe.... you never know unless I put it up and that could be some time! Cuz ever since the break up I can't stop watching all the old shisa vide0's!! Is that just me or is everyone else doing that?? Just wondering well till next time byeeeeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2015 ⏰

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