Arcena Spade

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This is the story of an average girl, who found herself in trouble when she assists the Renegade. The Renegade, Beck, is now The Tron. Lets Begin... Accessing Archive Data.

The Renegade continues to assist Argon in her goal to being free of Clu's Rule forever. Tessler has tightened his reign over Argon and insists anyone who helps the Renegade is an enemy of the State. However, one program helps the Renegade, by healing him, having no fear in General Tesslers personality or anger. She is brought before Tessler as a Prisoner and in cold blood his descision is made.

"No, please! I didn't do anything wrong!" General Tessler stared me in the eyes as I was brought before him. "Sources say you assisted the Renegade." Stuttering, as I do all the time, I replied. "I-I... He was hurt.. It is my job to assist those who are hurt.." I stared at him having no fear in my eyes. "Either way, that makes you an enemy of the state and all enemies must be dealt with properly." He turned away and looked toward Commander Pavel. "Take her away." I was taken to a detaining unit inside the stronghold.

That night while I was sleeping, I heard a noise. I sat up and looked around but there was no one there. I heard grunting and stood up feeling scared of what will happen to me if it was an Iso. I closed my eyes and opened them to see Tron standing before me trying to open my cell compound. I couldn't believe my eyes... "T-Tron what are you doing here?" I asked. "Saving you." I was astounded that he even cared if I was de-rezzed or not.

The cell door opened and I walked out staring at Tron, or the Renegade, whichever you prefer to call him.. It doesn't matter to me. I couldn't tell but I thought I saw a smile under his mask. "C'mon, let's get you out of here." He said and took my hand. I followed him as an alarm begin to sound. "What are we going to do Tron?" I asked him showing fear around someone for the first time. I looked around and saw hundreds of soldiers line up to block our path and de-rez us..

"We ride." He said and pulled out his baton as we were running toward the blockade. He opened it taking my hand, pulling me on as it turned into a white light cycle. He used the cycle to jump over the blockade. I held onto him tightly as he sped up to reach the exit in time. "Hold on tight!" The renegade lifted the cycle, jumping out of stronghold as the gates shut close. He skid to a stop and looked at what would have closed on top of us.

"I-it was so amazing!!" I expressed to my friends as soon as I got home. I lived only a mile away from Argon Square, the center of the city. "Yea, we get it Spade... getting saved by the renegade is pretty amazing..." One of them replied nonchalantly. I laughed at him and put an arm around his shoulder making him smile slightly. "Don't be such a downer. Whatever you want to call him I don't care... I was rescued by Tron."

My other friend smiled at me and took my hand. "That is so cool! Did you get to see his face, Spade?" My friends usually called me Spade but everyone else called me Arcena.. I worked at the hospital, it was close enough to walk. My lights around my shoulders on my outfit was always green with a cross on each shoulder. I sighed, "No, I didn't see his face but I thought I saw a smile." I swayed and giggled.

"How can you know he smiled if he was wearing a mask?!" My friend and I pushed him. "Don't be such a sceptic Kart! There was a reflection and at one point his face was slightly visible... You're ruining my fun. So stop it." He crossed his arms and grumbled. My best friends, Kart and Liin, they work in a separate wing of the hospital...but we're best friends anyway.

Later That Night {General Tessler's Base}

"I WANT THEM FOUND! I WANT THE RENEGADE DE-REZZED AND I WANT THE MEDIC WHO HELPED HIM IN JAIL!" Tessler shouted throwing a tantrum. Commander Pavel walked in and sighed, "Oh, I'd love to help General but you've assigned me to clean up Purgos. My visit here is brief and I've no time to set up a trap." Paige walked in and pushed Pavel aside. "Don't listen to him Tessler, Pavel is only trying to get you to bring him back. We don't need him to find the Renegade."

Tessler looked down at each of them, "Hmm.. Paige you may be right. But Pavel, I order you to stay for a while longer, we may need you." "But Genera-..." "DO NOT interrupt me Paige!" She stepped back and looked to the side. Pavel lifted his nose to the air in a smirk at Paige then bowed to Tessler. "Of course." Commander Pavel walked out of the room with Commander Paige by his side.

Her arms crossed and he smirked again, "I'm surprised at you Paige, we make such a good team together. I never would've imagined you wanted me gone for good." She turned her head and glared at him, "You may have Tessler believeing you can catch the renegade and his new friend but, we both know you don't have a plan."

Reviewed and Peer Edited By: @foxhound15

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