Chapter 3

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I slowly woke up to the sound of somebody saying my name, it was Jodie. Releasing that everybody else was off we must have landed in California. Wow! I slept a long time.  As we went to go collect our bags I thought about my family and what had happened. I realised I didn't want the boys to know about what had happened until I was ready to tell them. "Jodie"," yes Jess","I was wondering could we keep what happened to my family a secret until I'm ready to tell everyone". "Sure, honey but why?" "I don't want them feeling sorry for me. " " Ok honey, let's go the car is waiting for us." As we arrived at the car I realised it wasn't a car it was a LIMO. Wow I did know Jodie's family was rich. "Jodie are you rich. " "Well honey I guess you could say that I am the main designer for Victoria Secret." Wow! Was all I could say. As we arrived at the house or should I say mansion. I slowly got out as I was staring at the beautiful place in front of me. It was going to take a while to get used to living here. As we walked inside the house/mansion I looked around in amazement at the beautiful place. I noticed that no one was around. I saw Jodie walk over to the intercom. Wow there even intercom in this place. I listen as Jodie called through the intercom. "Kids you have 10 seconds to get down here." I laughed at how serious she sounded. But as soon as she finished I heard heaps of footsteps coming for the stairs. It sounded like a herd of cattle charging down. When most of the kids had came down besides 2 by the looks. She said guys this is Jessica she will be living with us from now on. Then She told them to get in line from oldest to youngest. Once they had done that, Jodie told them to introduce themselves. "Hi, I'm Aiden and I'm 22," "hi, I'm Drake and I'm 19," "hi, I'm Chase I'm 16 and you can come to me with all your needs and then he winked." I rolled my eyes in disgust. Then two boys came up I'm guessing the first set of twins and said " hi, where Jake and Jason we are 15." Then walked away. "Hi, I'm Blake and I'm 13." Another set of twins that were younger said "hi where Liam and Lucas where 10." Then lastly a little boy came up and gave me a hug and said "hello, my name is Cooper and I'm 5 I think we are going to be friends." "Yeah I think so too." Then he ran away back to his toys. Jodie then told all the boys that they can go as all the boys were leaving. She called Chase come back here please as Chase was coming back I asked where the other two were. "Oh right" she said, "well Jackson will be back in a week and I don't know where Alex is he should be back soon." "Ok", I said, "Chase can you please show Jess her room", "Shore mum," "Thanks daring, See you soon Jess", "Thank you cya Jodie." As we made our way up the stairs Chase started talking to me. "So how old are you?" "16." " Cool, we are the same age." " Yeah," "well this is your room, my room is the green door down the hall if you need me" then he winked and walked away. "Thanks Chase cya." I called after him as I walked in my room. Wow! Was the first thing I said as I walked into my room. It was huge probably double the size of my last room. And it even has it own bathroom, cool! I think I'm going to like it here.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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