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Samantha's P.O.V

The bell rang that meant we were able to go home but then I remembered that I had to meet Niall After school. I was really scared Cuz he told me to meet him were nobody goes so this might be the end off Samantha Villa . I was walking to the back of the school when I got there I saw blonde Hair and I knew it was Niall I started to shake when I got close to him he saw me.

Niall's P.O.V

I saw Samantha coming she's so beautiful I wonder if she thinks she is too I mean I know I tell her she's ugly and all but I know she doesn't believe me. So she came up to me and said I'm here Niall Do whatever you want to do to me just plz make it fast .


Samantha's P.O.V

I got up to him and said I'm here Niall do whatever you want to do just plz make it fast then I saw that smirk on his face.


Niall's P.O.V

When she said that I did that smirk that I know she hates if your wondering how I know she hates it is BC when I do it she does this really cute face that says shes annoyed. I took a step forward.

Samantha's P.O.V

He took a step forward and I knew that was the death of me ohhhh lord help me now plz.

Niall's P.O.V

When I took that step forward I hugged her yep I did it I hugged her but when I was doing that she flinched back like I was gonna hurt her I felt so heart broken Cuz I know I hurt her a lot but just the sight of her just seeing me she starts to shake I feel really bad that I asked her you thought I was gonna hurt you she already had tears in her eyes

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