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Mia's POV

It was stupid.
I know it was.
I looked like a fool.
I know I did.

I punched West Hockrel in the face.

Because he is the most popular guy at school, I now have a death wish.

That is why all the girls at school today are pursing their lips and mouthing really bad things.

The guys? Nah. I'm the coolest one around to them.

At least someone is on my side.

My attire yesterday? Oh yeah, I was going to my aunt's baby shower, and it was required of us to wear something "beautiful".

I know.
It was awful.
I had to at least wear something comfy
Or I would've gone crazy.

To say the least...
I do not dress like that.

The thing is though,
Guys around me now
Are all asking for my number
Or a date
Or a kiss.
It's stupid.

Can I not have a guy who will care about me? And not the things I do.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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