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Steffy took a deep breath as she held his hand tight "iam so nervous" she said.

"Its ok i am here for you, always have been always will you know that" he held her hand tightly and lead her out of the car.

"I shouldn't be here let's go" she tried to rush back in to the car but he blocked her and she face bumped into his muscley chest.

"You just have a tiny problem being here but this is a huge step and i am here for you so take a deep breath and lets go in" he said as he turned her around and kissed her on the top of her head.

"Okay lets go but dont leave my side your my rock" spoke Steffy as she walked in with her head resting on his shoulder.

"Well Wyatts taking over some jobs for me today so i am all yours" said Bill.

She kissed him on the cheek to express her thanks.

He signed in for her first alcohol anonymous and they walked in and sat in the back row.

She held his hand through the whole meeting.

Steffy was called upon to introduce her self to the group "hey i am Steffy and i was in a horrible event in which my cousin died and i have been using alchohol to try and hide from my pain" she stood there all eyes on her as she still held his hand tightly.

Jade the councilor running the group spoke back "thank you for sharing that with us Steffy, it was very coragious of you and i see you brought your partner for support so thank you for him being a part of our group".

Steffy looked shocked "no he just a friend not partner".

Bill chuckled "thanks for thinking i could land such a sexy young intelligent woman, you have made my day".

The whole room let out a tiny chuckle.

Jade then closed of the meeting and invited every one to the next meeting.

Steffy and Bill walked out once it was over, Steffy looked upset so he turned to face and just held her tightly in his arms, she just rested her head on him and let out a huge sigh of relief.

Lust and love cant hide for ever can they?Where stories live. Discover now