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Me: Are you serious this time or are you gonna chicken out?

I could practically hear him chuckling.

Him: I'm serious. ;) My username is shawnmendes1.

My heart suddenly jumped in my chest.

This is stupid, you're getting all worked up over a stranger.

I tried to tell myself that but it didn't make my nervousness go away.

Me: Okay hold on.

Since I didn't have Skype, I had to download it and make an account. I quickly got my computer and signed up, then added him, which he accepted.

I waited nervously for him to start the call, my heart racing in my chest because I was actually going to see him. I didn't know what to expect.

I jumped slightly when I saw the call pop up, ringing.

I pushed back a bit of hair and answered it, pressing the camera button.

This is it, I thought as it picked up.

I saw my face first and a blank icon that was bigger than that.

"Really?" I complained as I realized what he had done. He chuckled. His camera was turned off and I was the only one showing my face here.

"You thought it would be that easy huh?"

I rolled my eyes and frowned. He laughed again, such a beautiful sound and then sighed

"Okay, I think I've teased you enough," he said. There was a couple of clicking sounds from his computer and then his picture started loading.

I tried not to show how uneasy I was an kept a brave face.

And then... there he was.

I noticed his hair first, a chocolate, medium brown, and messy, like he hadn't done anything to it. He bit his lip smiling and looking down.

My heart was beating hard and then he looked up and I could see his eyes which matched his hair, a warm dark brown.

In my opinion, the boy was hot, which was what I had been afraid of.

"Are you gonna just keep starting? I know I'm beautiful but, you're drooling a little," he said chuckling slightly.

I blinked a couple of times and snapped out of my trance enough to come up with a comeback right away.

"Actually, I was looking in amazement of how someone could look as arrogant as they sound."

He laughed again, the sound coming out of his mouth making me nervous again because he looked so good and I didn't know what to do about it.

"That was the best you could come up with? Come on, Alexia, I know you better than that."

I rolled my eyes trying to keep up my confidence.

"Eh sorry, I thought I saw King Kong for a second and freaked out a little internally, but it turned out to just be you," I retorted.

He smirked, knowing I'd gotten him beat there.

"There she is, the girl I've been waiting for."

"In the flesh," I said, then realized that we weren't really face to face, more like face to computer screen to computer screen to face.

"Sort of," I corrected myself. I saw him try to hold back a chuckle by covering his mouth and then he looked down.

I laughed a little too. His laugh was contagious and I couldn't help it.

When we finally started to calm down and stop laughing I decided it was time to start asking questions.

He looked into the camera with a small smile and my heart thudded hard in my chest, but I did my best to ignore it and continued on with what I was going to say.

"So why did you ditch me at the mall and then decide you wanted to Skype me?' I asked, no hesitation.

Shawn, however, hesitated and I could see the guilt run across his face. His face dropped slowly as he thought of what to say.

"I'm not sure." He didn't look at me.

"You're not sure? Or you just don't have a good enough reason to tell me.

"Look, I wanted to meet you, I really did. But the more I thought about it, the more overwhelmed I got and I just couldn't do it."

"And why is that?" I questioned.

"Because I was afraid of what you think. I mean yeah I can sit behind a screen and pretend to be all cocky and arrogant and I can seem like I'm so cool, but I'm not and I was afraid you'd be disappointed when you met me. I didn't want that." He frowned and looked down when he was finished.

"Well I think it's fair to say that I wasn't disappointed," I said trying not giving away what really meant.

Whether he knew what I meant or not, I couldn't tell.

"Well that's good," he said, smiling more with his eyes.

How could a smile be so contagious? I couldn't help but smile back to.

"So then why did you decide to Skype me instead?" I asked.

"Impulse. That and I disappointed you, so I wanted to make it up, even if it is through this terrible camera."

"It's not that terrible if I can see how good you look," I muttered under my breath.

"What was?" he asked tilting his head.

"Oh nothing. Nothing at all."

He looked at me questioningly, but shook his head, I guess deciding against what he was going to say.

"So have we met before? Do we go to the same school?"

"I think you would have known I went your school to be honest." He said smirking.

I pondered on this for a moment before deciding that yes, I probably would have noticed the cute boy in my school.

"Okay true, " I said in defeat.

"If you must know, we have met in real life before," he told me. My eyes widened.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, at a foot all game earlier this year, we bumped into each other, my school was playing yours and you were talking to a friend of yours and telling her about your Tumblr-"

"Which is how you found mine," I said putting it together.

He smile guiltily.

"Pretty much. I wanted to get to know you after I saw you. I just didn't know how so that was the only way I could figure."

"Interesting," I said staring at him.

He started to say something and then turned around to look at the door. I could faintly hear voices.

"I have to go but I hope we can talk again?" he said turning to look at me again.

"Maybe if you don't chicken out this time." I said. He chuckled.

"I'll see you soon, Alexia," he said winking at me before ending the call.

I looked at the screen to see that we'd talked for almost three hours.

Something about Shawn made me so drawn to him, like always when I talked to him and I could help but feel a little something for him.

It was reckless to gain any type of crush on him but I decided to take a chance.

No harm could come out of a little friendly flirting.


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