Chapter 3 - Rise

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As soon as class was over, I was out of my seat and across the room, pleading with Master Rose.

"Master Rose, the girl in the hospital, Cascade, she's a close friend of mine. Can I please see her?" Close was a bit of an exaggeration, but I was probably the closest friend she had here at Redbridge.

That, and I had been the one to leave her behind in Endurance Training.

Master Rose rubbed her eyes, her long white sleeves eclipsing her face. "Even if I took you to the Mendery, I could not guarantee you'd be allowed to see her."

"It's just... in our village, we have a custom where when someone is ill, we visit them as a reminder of what it is to be alive." I said, trying to look as sympathetic as possible.

"That's very nice, dear, but—"

"I know that's what she would want."

Master Rose sighed, her stern façade crumbling. "Follow me."

We wound down the spiral staircase to the inner ring, Master Rose traveling much faster than I would have expected for her age. With a flick of her wrist, the heavy Mendery door slid open and I rushed inside.

The Mendery was still as stone. My mind, however, was quite the opposite, awash in images of hideous creatures from the Waste. Though I had never seen an attack, I knew that almost no one survived. I pictured my dad—tough, intelligent and capable—an experienced field worker who could also cast—all that was left of him—

"Wait here, dear," Master Rose commanded, her words rattling me. "She's in a private room."

Master Rose briskly crossed the room toward an unobtrusive wooden door, passing walls lined with strange asymmetrical cabinets. She disappeared through the door and I was now alone. Too restless to sit, I paced. A lot. I wove between the empty resting pads. I just felt the need to keep moving.

After a short century, Master Rose reappeared, grim. "Her condition is worsening and Healer Gliss thinks you should come back at a later time."

"I think I'll just wait," I said, trying to keep my voice calm even though the Mendery felt like it would come crashing down any moment. Master Rose eyed me suspiciously.

"You can't just wait all day in the Mendery."

"I need to be here," I said, my voice cracking. What I couldn't say was that I needed to be here for Cade because I wasn't—I couldn't be—there for him—

The door to the private rooms swung open and a young man carrying a batch of supplies hurried through the door and set down his load. He had stark white hair and a worn face, though he barely looked older than the novices at Redbridge.

"Who's this?" he asked. His eyes found mine. They were cold and gray, like rain-drenched stone.

"A friend of Cascade's," I interjected before Master Rose could speak. "I'd like to wait here. Please. If it's not too much trouble."

The young man glanced at Master Rose, who made no move to protest.

"That's fine with me."

"Thank you, Jay, I hope we're not a burden." Master Rose then turned to me. "And you be on your bests."

"Of course."

Master Rose left us to ourselves. Jay continued to put away the medical supplies in silence, navigating the maze of oddly shaped cabinets.

"So, are you a Healer?" I asked.

He bristled. "Nope. No casting here. I just work in the Mendery with Healer Gliss."

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