Jillian Frost

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It was pitch black as I woke up in the middle of the night. The sound of someone crying in the other room disturbed my sweet slumber, it was my younger brother, Jake. I looked at the alarm clock and in a flash of red, it read 1:30 am. 

Still half asleep and with my long curly hair covering the half of my face , I dragged myself out from under the sheets of my bed and went to the other room, trying to be careful as not to bump into anything,  to see if my little brother was okay.

I reached for the doorknob and slowly opened the door to his room.

"Hey Jake, what's wrong? Why are you crying" I asked him him a smile on my face. 

Still half asleep, I rubbed both of my eyes, then I sat on the side of his bed and placed the palm of my hand on his head and slowly combed his hair with my fingers trying to comfort him the best way I can.

Suddenly, I stopped combing his hair as I noticed that he was burning up. I placed my hand on his forehead and felt like it was on fire. Anxiety overcame me and I started to worry because this has been the second fever that he's gotten this week. His condition is starting to get from bad to worse.

"I want my mommy!!" Jake screamed, while tears of pain were trickling down his face. He started trashing his arms around and started a tantrum. Who could blame him, I asked myself. 

 I didn't know what to say to him, knowing that our parents have already passed away. He slowly calmed down and started to cling onto my shirt then he placed his head on my lap. "Jillian, please don't leave me too, please don't leave me like mommy and daddy did." He said to me. 

Tears started to fell from my eyes.

I couldn't help but cry as well, every time I remember the fact that our parents are gone, but I have to be strong, I have to be strong for the both of us. I kissed my little brother on the forehead and whispered to his ear "I'll always be by your side little brother, don't you forget that okay?"

His tears trickled down from his eyes onto my shirt and after a while his crying had stopped. I gently slid down my hand under the back of his head and slowly placed his head from my lap onto his pillow. I covered his body with his blanket, and started to comb his hair with my hands for a bit. I could feel him shiver from under his blanket.

 This was definitely not a good sign.

"Jake, I'll just go down to the kitchen for a bit okay, I'll just get some food and some medicine for you okay?" I said to him. Still shivering from under his blanket, he nodded his head. I slowly got up from his bed and went down the kitchen.

As I was going down to the kitchen, all I could think about that Jake's condition was getting worse, he's been sick since the incident happened and I don't know how much time he has left.

I searched the kitchen for some medicine and for some food to eat. I found some paracetamol for his fever and a can of chicken soup. Luck was on my side today, I thought to myself, and I started to heat up the chicken soup in the microwave.

While the soup was being heated, I started to ponder on the idea on how to save my little brother's life. By the looks of it, he only has a few months to live. I have to figure out a way to complete project assimilation as soon as possible.


The sound of the microwave timer cuts my trail of thought. I quickly stood up from the chair that I was sitting on , grabbed the medicine and got the soup from the microwave then, headed up to Jake's room.  

As I was headed up to his room, I started to think of all the possible alternatives besides project assimilation, since this would mean giving up parts of my body to save his. Unfortunately I couldn't find any alternative solution given the time frame that he has left.

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