chapter 1.when they first met.

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another day trapped in this empty cell.the loansome plauge doctor crouched in his cell ,waiting for the next abhorrent test.since that is the only time the other doctors would  let him leave his retched cell.he could sense the disease here.hell,he could practicly feel it emanate from behind the walls of his containment cell.

this facility kept him from eradicateing it and administering his cure to those infected.if only he could find a way to escape then maybe he-

his thoughts were cut short when he herd voices and the sound of movement outside his containment cell door.with a whirring sound his cell door slid open and the gaurds pushed a small child inside.he arched an eyebrow.inside his cell was a little girl,who looked to be no more than 5 or 6 years-old; with long black hair and wearing a pair of shorts, white sneakers, and a white sleeveless shirt that looked slightly too big for her and holding a stuffed animal that resembled a dog.he wondered why they put such a young child in his cell.sure,children at the foundation were nothing new,but,this one seemed....different.

he sensed no disease in her at least, but still couldent shake the feeling that something ,oddly, was pleasently different about this child.was this some sort of test?the little girl nervously glanced twords the door and timidly shuffled to the corner opposite from his side of the room and sat down.she hugged her toy tighly; stareing into her lap.she nervously glanced up to find the doctor(from now on i will be referring to the plauge doctor as doctor)stareing at her.

her cheeks turned an embaressed shade of red, and hid her face in her stuffed animal.the doctor chuckled.he thought that was actually a  little cute.her left eye peeked out from behind her stuffed animal, blush still tinting her cheeks.the doctor gave her a small wave, he hoped he could make her feel welcome or at least relax a little around his presence.

timidly, she gave a feeble wave back.the doctor smiled (even though you cant see it.) glad, dare he say, almost happy, that the child did not seem afraid of him or of being around him.he walked over to her and crouched down so his face was at level with hers.her blush deepened a little and hid her face with her face with her stuffed animal again.she gave a feeble ''hi'' slightly muffled through her stuffed animal.

the doctor chuckled once more.''hello little one.''he responded.

''may i ask what your name is?'' he said trying to peer around the stuffed toy.

a pair of hazel eyes peered out from under the toy.''k-kaylen.''she stutterd shyly.

''ahhhh.''he mused''a beautiful name.''

she giggled,her blush still present but lessened, then held out her stuffed animal.

''and this is puppy!''she said with a bright smile.

suddenly the arm came off with a /riiiiiiip/ sound.her smile disapeared and her eyebrows furrowed as she looked down at the pieces of her toy in her hands.

''puppy.....''she said softly to her toy, sounding as if she might cry.

the doctor looked at her solemnly.he suddenly stiffened then made a movement as if he had an  ''ah ha!'' moment.he reached into his pouch and pulled out the needle and thread he normaly used for surgery.

''here.''he said softly, reaching his hand out.''let me see.''

she looked back a her toy and handed it to him.she watched as he carefuly and tenderly sewed the arm back to the toy with skill.when he was done he place the needle and thread back in his pouch; then gingerly held the toy out for her.she took the toy back from him and smiled.she hugged it tight then looked back at the plauge doctor as if suddenly remembering he was there.the blush reapeared on her face.

''thank you!''she said still smileing and hugging her toy

''your welcome little one.''he said as he smiled and gently ruffled her hair.


the doors slid open and a pair of gaurds stepped into the room, followed by a female scientist holding a pair of hand cuffs and a metal collar with a heavey chain attatched.the plauge doctor slowly stepped back to the corner with his hands raised in surrender and sat down.the gaurds stepped further into the room and foucused on him while the scientist stepped twords kaylen.the gaurds partially obscurred his view but he was able to make out most of what was happening.

''come on sweetie.'' the scientist said trying to put kaylens small wrist into the cuffs with  a smile  he could tell was obiously fake.

kaylen whined and shook her head; she scooted back into the corner as far as she could.the scientist ,obviously getting agitated,roughly grabbed her wrists and shut the metal cuffs around them.she whined and looked down at the cuffs.she tried to go farther into the corner when the scientist tried to get the collar onto her neck.but with no more room to back into ,the scientist snapped the collar around her neck.kaylen gave it a tug and stared sadly into her lap.

the doctor felt a slight pang in his chest.the scientist gave the chain connected to the collar a jerk and after a moments hesitation kaylen got up still looking at the ground.the gaurds started to slowly back away from the plauge doctor as the scientist stepped out the room with kaylen.before the doors closed he saw kaylen giveing a feeble he waved back.

after the scientist left with kaylen and the gaurds along with them the plauge doctor was left alone in his cell once more.and he realised that small child had done soemthing.she had made feel some something hasent felt in centuries since he has been contained.something that even a succesful surgery to a victim of disease cannot give him lately.something he felt when the child blushed that adorable blush.or when she smiled that bright innocent smile.

complete and utter joy.

*thank you every one thats the first page or chapter or whatever of my first story.hoped you like it.this part is about when they first met eachother.the picture at the top is supposed to give you an idea on what kaylen looks like.thats not how she exaclty looks like when it comes to hair and eye color and everything but yeah.soooooooo.......see ya and thanks again.i got lazy at the end.xp*


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