~~~°~~~°~~~°~~~°~~~°~~~°~~~°~~ girls advice: ok pay attention after a while if you realize you have a crush on your once was just best friend well NEVER ask him out he needs to ask you however lead him on no don't try to copy the movie cat wan and try to walk all sexy because you might look retarded or you might break a ankle maybe when you walk down the hall act like your soo into a topic and accidentally bump into him or you could tell him yourself that's what I have for you.
~~~°~~~°~~~°~~~°~~~°~~~°~~~°~~ guys advice: pay attention ok do you ever look at a girl and the way she acts around you if she is always miles apart from you in the hall or a foot away from you when you sit together DONT ask her out she's obviously nervous about being around you in public if you have a girl that's a friend and she always walks close to you and sits next to you but respects your space and you have feelings for her converse tell her things might get weird for a while but you'll get over it what I'm saying is its all in the moves a girl makes
love tips don't quote
Altelethis is a book that may help girls and guys in relationships DONT QUOTE ME ON WAT I SAY ALSO DONT COME CRYING TO ME IF THIS ADVIVE DOSNT WORK ALL THE TIME KK thx love y'all my arctic wolves