Chapter 1 - Have we forgotten something?

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*Garry's P O V*

Me and Mary will be going to the Art Gallery again~ I'm so happy to be with her. She's so cute, happy, energetic, and she knows other sorts of stuffs~ She can even see the stories in every paintings we see in any other gallery~ I'm so glad that I can have a little sister like her~ Her parents always approves wherever we go too~! I'm so trustworthy that I can protect Mary from anything! 

Oh yes, right, the macaroons! I promised her to treat her to the cafe nearby my appartment,. We shall have tea too. Fuwaaa~ Alright'y, I'll come and pick her up now~

* opens door *

Mary: Hi Garry!!

Uwaaaa!! She was there already?! I jumped over the surprise Mary gave.

Mary: Aww.. Garry, You still act like a girl even when Ib-- I mean "me" was not around~

That again... She would always mistake herself with the name Ib. Ib Ib Ib. It's annoying to hear. I mean, Mary says it redundantly. I was fed up for that name already but she would always say that it was her old bestfriend who died. Ib? Seriously? Who would also have a name like that?

Garry: Err... Yeah. * giggles * So! Let's go to that cafe and continue on to the gallery.

Mary smiled. She then held my hand as her golden hair brush up to my tattered coat. We then ate blue and yellow macaroons. But there was 5 red macaroons too. That's weird, I only ordered blue and yellow since those we're our favorites.

Garry: Mary, have you noticed those red macaroons?

Mary: Oh yes Garry! I like blue all in all, even yellow, but I also like Red! You know, it's like my second favorite color, pink!

Garry: But there we're pink macaroons there... Why did you pick red instead?

Mary: Oh there was? Ohohoho~ Silly me~! But these ones are so good~! No need to change the color~

Well, fine for me I guess.

*Mary's P O V*

Garry is always with me. I'm very happy for that. Yes, having a big brother like him is nice. He's a gentleman, a handsome guy, though he still smokes. For some reasons, his kindness to me is fake. Everything is fake. My very existence is fake. Do you even know why?


I am Mary. Yes I am Mary. I am Mary. I AM MARY. 

I'm not a person. I'm not a human. In fact, I'm not even a real girl. What am I? Well... Most people know... I am a Painting. Yes. I'm a painting of a girl that randomly appeared in Guertena's head. He wanted to have a daughter ever since, but he never found the perfect girl for him. So he painted me instead, and he trapped me in his bizzare conciousness before he died out in this... this real world. For me, I wanted to get out.... I was so lonely back then. Big sis(lady in red) didn't want to play with me. She says that I'm just a kid who doesn't know how to play her games. The mannequin heads would just bleed right infront of me. Red paint isn't as nice as you think. The dolls are so sweet, but I'm fed up to them. I'm fed up to the LOUD SILENCE this world makes. It's dissorted. I really hate it. Until Ib came. I didn't care for Garry anyways. He's an adult. I'm a kid. Ib is a kid too. But there we go. Ib sacrificed herself just for our sake. Now I'm in replace of her.

Just as I wanted. But without Ib, I wouldn't be as happy as before in the Fabricated World. My mind is such an abyss to the sadness it makes. Ib didn't do wrong. In fact, Garry was my prey. But it's fun to be with him. He's like a kid too.

I enjoy staying here in the human world. I don't wanna go back. Ib did it, I need to enjoy what she has given me.

And we're here in the gallery. Hmmm... I really wonder where Ib is now... Her body must be dead, but her spirit must be alive. Just like mine years back.

* Garry's P O V *

Mary looked pale. I didn't actually know why. Probably she ate too much macaroons~ 

Ah... We're here in this nostalgic gallery of Guertena~ Hmmm~ Yes. These paintings are really nostalgic... Oh look at that! The painting "Abyss of the Deep" is still there.. It's like it's dragging you in the Abyss~ How fortunate~!

Mary had a faint smile on her face for once. Then she giggled. I'm not quite sure why. She then ran off to some painting. It was a painting of a girl lying in a large Black Diamond bed full of red roses. Mary eventually smiled.

Mary: This picture gives off the bitter-sweet memories of mine...

Mary smiled... I'm glad.. She was frowning earlier~ But anyways, yes.. Somehow, I feel like I'm missing something important as I see this painting... This girl was beautiful. Her sleeping face is also as beautiful as she is..

Garry: Seems like I'm forgetting something...

Mary turned around at me. She was shocked, but then, she smiled with a blush. Her smile signifies worries. I wonder why...

Am I really forgetting something? I can't take my eyes off that painting. Why? I wonder... Why?? She's not even real....

Wait a minute.. Her eyes.. They are opening... What a surprise! I leaned closer to picture... And then..

Mary: Snap out of it Garry!

Mary shouted. I immidiately thought of something else. The girl wasn't opening her eyes. She was just asleep. That was weird... Am I... Hallucinating?


OH HELLO SWEETIE CAKES~! Did my this chapter sounded weird? Lawl kay, not my fault > ~ < I will probably continue this if ever you enjoyed this story. I'm sorry if Garry sounded annoying because he's neglecting Ib... Well to make the story interesting, I made Garry seemed to forget Ib completely. He would even wonder of her weird name.

By the way, leave a vote if you like it, follow me if you want as well, and I will try my best to continue this story. Bye~! 

Leave a watch as well to my dA account, it would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance and bye!

 BY THE WAY... The person in the picture was Mary. That is a fanart for her. Ib, Garry and Mary belongs to Kouri. Fanfiction belongs to me. 

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