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A feathered quill was carelessly dropped into its ink pot as the owner sighed in slight satisfaction. The letter, the owner had been writing for a couple or so minutes, was then placed into an envelope only to be tucked away into a small, red, velvet box straight after. The young French noble rubbed her night blue eyes as she yawned with a straight back, her long black flowing hair reached all the way down her chair. She sighed as she pet the small, fuchsia, fake rose that held her front hair up on the right side of her face.
"Lady Aceline."
The French noble known as Aceline got up from her wooden chair and brushed off any dirt that somehow got on her long sleeved, pale pink, puffy dress that reached to the ground. Aceline turned around to see five knights; two women and three men. The head knight of the squadron went down on one knee with a bow of her head as the others followed suit. The leader of the squadron, who wore gold armour while the others wore silver, announced,
"Lady Aceline, Lady Laurels ordered us to keep you in your room and to protect you because of the latest kidnappings."
Aceline expression was as bland and bored as a plank of wood. She made eye contact with the leader through her dull, blue eyes.
"If that is what my grandmother wishes, then so be it."
"Should we protect the village too in case the kidnappers want them...too? Lady Aceline?"
The youngest male knight asked curiously and innocently to the noble woman's glare.
"Precisely who gave you the permission to talk, soldier?" Aceline asked bluntly as she blandly yet sarcastically said the word 'soldier' as if she was talking to a child, "Neither the head knight nor I gave you such permission so you shall be quiet."
Aceline warned as she slowly sauntered right in front of the soldier, looking down at him with a condescending, dull glare. The soldier gulped and mumbled an apology while he cowered behind a fellow soldier. The head knight sighed and ordered them to get to their positions. Their job was to sit by the door for the entire day and night unless another squadron came by (or it was time to eat). There were two wooden stools on the left side of the door as well as the right and there was a single stool that sat on the opposite of the door, right under the window were the head soldier sat. Aceline sighed in mild annoyance as she walked towards her bookshelf that stood sturdily beside the head knight. Her eyes scanned each book until she reached one of the few books about animals since the rest was either books of flowers or it was the small, special book to which she kept in the cute, little drawer of her bedside table. She slipped the book out of the bookshelf and sat back down on her chair. The book was sadly another information book like the others but instead of having pictures of ever so slightly different looking flowers with complicated names it had pictures of ever so slightly different looking animals with complicated names. She groaned as she skimmed through the book, this being the hundredth time she read it, before slamming it shut. Aceline looked at the new books she got that laid by her feet with annoyance. She didn't want to know the difference between a dafforube and a rubydil in a thousand pages she wanted a story about adventure and freedom something that doesn't exist in her life.
"Perhaps the library downstairs has some..."
She thought with a small smile. She has never been allowed to go there so she just assumed the books were horror stories and that she was too young to read them but now that she's seventeen maybe this could be her chance to see! She shook her head, trying to shake of her growing smile. She sighed before looking up with her usual emotionless face. She confidently strode towards the door only for two soldiers in silver to block her.
"Excuse me, but I would like to go to the library. So, may you escort me there?"
"We cannot allow do that. Your grandmother directly ordered us to keep you in your room."
"What if I need to go to the restroom?"
"You have a chamber pot, do you not?"
Aceline scrunched her nose in disgust at the mention of 'chamber pot'. She irked and clenched her hand into a fist only to stop and breathe out as she argued with two soldiers.
"What about food-?"
"We will bring it to you."
They interrupted in a blunt tone as the two older soldiers looked down at her. This annoyed her as she glared at them only to be looked down upon like she did with the other soldier. She glowered as she looked to the side and thought as she tried to hide her offended emotions as well as anger with an emotionless mask,
"How dare they be rude to me! I have noble blood!"
She sighed, letting out some of her anger, as she looked up at the soldiers only to receive a glare. She looked at them with a bland look before pointing her nose up with a posh look,
"Why must she be so protective," She drawled in a 'matter-so-factly' tone, "we have the highest defense in the village. You don't even have to do anything. The second someone here hears 'the Laurels soldiers are here' everyone runs of trying to look their best so you won't kill them with a stare."
Aceline asked in lazy tone that showed bits of her anger.
"We need the next heir of the family to be extra safe, is her excuse." The soldier answered as if it was obvious," now Lady Aceline, if you could 'please' go and relax," he begged in a sarcastic tone, especially when he said 'please', "walking from your bed to the door could tire you out. You should, perhaps, go back and try to sleep...The second you're asleep the better, we won't have to listen to your annoying voice..."
The soldier replied in a manner a bully would to its victim. Aceline eyes casted down as she tried to ignore the last sentence. She continued to look down until she reached her bed and curled into a small ball. She sighed and hugged her pillow before closing her eyes. Her sense started to drift as she started to think. How come i've only heard of the kidnappings now? Why the extra protection? She nibbled on the pillow lightly like she normally did when she got curious. She turned so she faced away from the wall to see all the soldiers getting up to leave. She raised a brow and looked up at the clock that stood on her bedside table. Half past twelve. Lunch time. As if on cue her stomach growled causing some of the soldiers to quietly laugh and tease her as they left. Once the door closed Aceline waited for the click to echo through her room. Click. The door was locked. She sat up. The only sound that could be heard was the ticking of the clock.
"Tic. Toc. Tic. Toc. Tic. Toc."
She mumbled as she picked herself up and onto the stool that sat in front of the window. It was a sunny day, only a few clouds in the sky. She looked down to see the blooming flowers,
"Roserubes, viopphire, moondil..."
She whispered to herself as she looked at the flowers. She remembered reading in a book- that's a lie, she remembered reading in several books that originally plants and gemstones weren't fused together. They used to grow separately back on Earth, like roserubes used to be a plant called a rose and a gemstone called a ruby. Coincidentally they were both red, though apparently some roses could be pink, white and yellow. Bizarre, isn't it? Plants and gemstones weren't one, it sounds so weird. Aceline eyes slowly drifted towards the lake that surrounded her house. She then saw a knight asleep beside it. She smirked as a small plan hatched into her head. She breathed out some air until locking her eyes onto some water. She concentrated on the spot until it started to lift, she then lift her hands a little to make it easier. She continued to lift it until it was right above the knight before letting go causing the water to fall right on the knight's face. The knight's eyes shot open and a loud high pitched screech echoed through the garden making Aceline to move away from the window while giggling. She the sighed happily as she thank the Gods for making her a noble.
Nobles, for those who don't know, were made nobles because they had the ability of being one with a certain element. For example the nobles on the land 'Terre de Pluie', such as Aceline, are able to move liquids as well as become it (mainly water, rarely other liquids) but it takes years of practice to do so. Different lands have different nobles which control different elements. 'Land of Seasons' nobles have nature like elements such as earth and plants. 'Huǒ zhī guó' nobles control elements that are a source of heat like fire and lava. The nicknamed land 'Sky Hero' (properly known as the 'Land of Flight') nobles have the ability to control weather like elements, mainly wind, lightning, mist. The nobles of the 'Land of Flight' are the strongest nobles out of all of them. This is because of the large variety of abilities they could have. The reason why nobles have there abilities are still unknown but the number one theory is that of God like creatures. That the nobles are offsprings of the four Gods that created each land but some people still debate about the world having four strong immortals roaming the land. After all, it was about one hundred and thirty years since Earth was destroyed.
Aceline smiled only to flinch and go back to her emotionless state.
"You must be a proper lady. Strict discipline. Now, straight backs," Aceline straighten her back as she scolded herself, "breathe small breaths, unless you need to calm down, so you can fit in your corset and keep your hands together in front of you," she straightened her corset and placed her hands together by her lap, "perfect."
Aceline sighed as she walked towards her bed, careful not trip on her dress. Just as she reached her bed a loud crash erupted from the ground floor, luckily she was on the top floor (the second floor) so she didn't get hurt by what ever caused it. She heard loud footsteps, from the knights, which clinked because of the armour. Thundering yells. Loud crashing. Then, all of a sudden, someone repetitively shouting,
"Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"
The second they finished the third 'retreat' all the noises from before went back to silence. Confused, Aceline gingerly ambled towards the door only for it to slam open revealing the head of all knights. A knight that wore platinum armour as well as chain mail armour. The other head knights, the ones who bore gold armour, came trailing behind.
"My lady Aceline! Are you alright?"
The platinum knight asked in his gentle voice.
"Quite, Sir Aure. Mind telling me what the ruckus was?"
Aceline asked in the same gentle tone. Sir Aure used to be her personal guard when she grew up causing her to have a soft spot for him as did he with her. He sighed in relief,
"The noise is nothing you should worry about, Mi'lady. As long as your okay."
She raised a brow and questioned again,
"Does it have to do with the latest kidnappings?"
Sir Aure eyes widened only for them to turn into slits. He gritted his teeth as he looked at the other knights making them to shift under his glare.
"Kidnappings?" He growled causing Aceline to cock her head to the side in confusion, he then looked towards her, his eyes softened, "Yes."
He smiled lightly as pat her head leading her to puff her cheeks.
She whined as he playfully whined in the same tone as she,
"Stop it! You're just as cute as Jaque!"
He ruffled her hair causing her to try and swipe him away only making him laugh more while she blushed in embarressment.
"Don't mess up a nobles hair..."
She thought in mild annoyance. Sir Aure waved her bye as he walked out with the other knights who reluctantly followed behind. She moaned as she looked at her reflection in the mirror that hung above her desk. She grabbed her brush and brushed her long hair, becoming irritated of it quickly. Just as she finished brushing it a new squadron of soldiers walked in. They handed her some roseberry soup and roseberry bread. She smiled slightly at her favourite food, trying to restrain herself from squealing in joy. She then exhaled and politely thank them before eating the soup as proper and noble-like as possible. While she ate her soup the knights took their positions and quietly talked to each other. The leader of squadron, however, started to doze off. As Aceline finished her soup she started to nibble on her sweet, sweet roseberry bread.

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