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I'm Dipper and Mabel's older sister by 2 years, which means I'm 15. Well, I'm turning 15 this summer. I'm also an uber math nerd, and have always had a weird fascination with magic, and fiction in general.

Our parents decided to send us to our great-uncle Stan's place for our summer vacation. I had gone to our Grunkle Stan's place once a few summers back, and had learned many of his and Gravity Falls's secrets. But I had promised him that summer to not tell my siblings about any of it, and have kept that promise up till this day.

When we got out there, I saw that his house was still the gimmick tourist trap it was 3 years ago. There was some new, weird stuff inside though.

Dipper, Mabel, and I had to share the attic togerher, which wasn't bad, just a little crowded. "Hey guys..." They looked at me. "Look at our window, it's the illuminati triangle!" "Cool!" Mabel replied. "Cool, but weird." Dipper said.

"You guys wanna check out the shack? I could show you around?" I ask them. "Nah, we want to unpack first and get settled." Dipper said. "That's cool with me. I'm gonna go see what's changed. Later!"

I went downstairs to the gift shop to look at all the wierd stuff our Grunkle was selling. I met up with Wendy and Soos again, who hadn't changed much since last time I was here. I told them I would hang later, and that I was off to find Stan.

I found him giving the last tour of the day, so I decided to tag along in the back of the tour group. He showed us a bunch of stuff that he obviously just stuck together from random creatures.

When the tour was done, he led us all to the gift shop and said, "Buy something and then get out."

I walked over to him and said, "Hey Stan! Long time, no see! How's he doing?" Since there were other people around, I was using code. "Tamie! Didn't know you guys would be here so soon. I'm still working aren't I. Still can't find the other parts though. Seriously though, how have you been? It's been what, 2-3 years?" I understood what he was saying, and answered the non-coded part truthfully.

"Yup, 3 long years. I've kind of missed this place. Oh, I should introduce my brother and sister to you, they'll be so glad to meet you!... Who should I introduce you as?"

"Just call me Grunkle Stan, I still don't what them mixed up with us. I still don't like it much that you're mixed up with us." He told me. I watched as the last customer walked out the door and quickly rushed to flip the sign to closed.

"Come on Grunkle Stan! You got to meet Dipper and Mable! They're great." I practically dragged him up the stairs to our bedroom. "Knock knock! It's me, Tammie. I want to introduce you guys to someone!"

Mable answered first, "Come in!" I could tell she was excited to see who I had with me.

I walked in the door and said, "I would like you to meet, our Grunkle Stan!" Dipper looked up at us from his book and said hello, while Mabel jumped up from her bed and greeted Stan with a hug.

"Well, it's nice to meet you two! Now excuse me, I have some Grunkle business to attend to." He said and walked out. "Oh, and Tammie..." I looked at him, and he gave me a look that said 'Remember our secret'. "Enjoy them while you can. You never know when it's the last time you're see them..."

I walk over to him and give him a hug. "Nobody should have to go through loosing a sibling. Not even you." I released him from the hug and looked him in the eyes. He smiled back at me and muttered a quick 'Thanks' and walked to his room.

I smiled and walked back into the bedroom. "Okay guys, it's getting late. We should go to sleep now because Stan will probably want us to work at the shack in the morning."

There were only two beds in the attic, so we decided that I would sleep on the window seat. "Good night Mable. Good night Dipper. See you in the morning."

I fell asleep within a few minutes.

I was walking through the forest when the entire place turned grey. I trip over an uprooted root and landed on my face.

"'Ello there Nerd! Have ya missed me?"

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