2~ Castor

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Aphmaus POV-

I pulled them to the gates and told them everything

"So to sum it up, I am a Goddess of thunder, Lady Thor, I resigned from my superhero duties because I thought I was not fit enough to protect people, I left my super hero things at the great hall and came here with nothing but my-my nickname, Becoming Lord was not my first choice but it felt right so I took it and after everything Castor found out I was alive and went ballistic at me but he forgave me and promised to keep me a secret, after all this here we are..." I twiddled with my thumbs looking at the ground "Im sorry I lied to you all, I just, could never bring myself to tell you, even you two and I trust you more than Castor and my old friends, I just Im sorry" I wiped my new forming tears

"I-I understand, You kept it for a reason and I forgive you, But why did you think you were not capable of being a protector of the innocent?" Garroth said giving me a stare while Laurence still thought about everything

"Because thats not me"

"Aph your the most brave, loyal and caring person I know and thats enough to be a superhero even without powers" He smiled

I smiled and hugged him

"Laurence.." I said turning to him

"So Castor lied to me all these years hm, even you, but I have to admit you both are good actors, Aph just tell me something, are you happy here or would you rather go back?" Laurence said rubbing his head from thought

"As much as I miss it, This is home, with my friends, family and the people I love, I have kids here, I might have had a kid with Satchel but that was weeeird and it called everyone mommy so it was not really my kid, but Im happier here with you, Garroth, Zoey the boys everyone" I smiled standing from my chair

They smiled

"You are forgiven" They said in unison

I hugged them both softly crying

"Thank you guys, I-It mean a lot" I kissed them both on the cheek making them both go red

But mostly Garroth, Him blushing made me blush pink

Oh no

I then walked down to the gate where Castor was walking out from the path

"I have come for the bribery of Coffee I heard this pathetic village along with its Pathetic lord and horrible chicken house builder I might add, added one to the village" He smirked

I opened the gate and walked over and hugged him he stood in shock

"Jess what are you doing you will blow it" he whispered

I pulled away

"Castor they know, I-I told them"

"YOU DID WHAT NOW!" He said stepping back changing his snobby voice to his normal original one

"I told them"

"Oh MY THOR!" He groaned

"Im sorry but someone left-"

"Someone left a box outside that was me it did not take long if you know what I mean, But *sigh* Alright so they know?"

I nodded and pulled him over to the boys

"Laurence Bro-" Castor was cut off my Laurence slapping him


"Shut up you deserved that!"

"Fine I did!" He moaned "Oh so Aphy tells someone and I get slapped I tell someone and I get threatened to be bacon"

I smirked

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