14~ Forgiveness?

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Aphmaus POV-

I made my way sorely down the stairs to lock eyes with Satchel, I sighed and he put hi hand out for me, Garroth whished as I took his hand, they knew nothing of our plan and no one else did

I turned as he opened the doors and he walked me out, I turned once again and met eyes with a man

Blond rich hair and reddish brown eyes, in his hands 2 black boxes we locked eyes and he put his head down

"Aphmau...I-Im humble for today I understand, your royal blood was never meant to spill across the land, You have suffered great injustice, more than thousands before you, I offer an apology, one too long overdue" He lifted his head and sighed, Satchel let go of my hand and everyone listened as he continued, I held my hands together as they pursed white "I...am Sorry, Aphmau I am sorry...hear my words and know they run with truth, although we were bred to fight, I reach for kindness in your heart tonight" I stepped forwards and he kept going "And If you can forgive, please forgive, Life can truly live....And if you can forgive, Only if you forgive, Life can truly live...."

He stepped forwards and I heard a sword draw, I wiped the tears in my eyes and I spoke "I may be frightened but I shall use my final breath, to tell you your forgiven, only once my hand lands dead, two centres of agony, To my heart you sent, Now with your amends let this senceless killing end"

"I am sorry" he repeated

"I know your sorry...Your words always string with truth"

We spoke in unison and locked eyes "Although we were bred to fight, There is kindness sent into your heart tonight, And If I could forgive and If we could forgive...Life can truly Live...."

"Again....Im...Sorry" He sighed running his hands in his hair

"Don't speak a word about it understood"

"Understood" He lifted his head with a smile "Your very beautiful"

"And your very handsome"

He swallowed and walked towards me I sighed and put my arms out for the hug, as soon as we embraced Thunder and lightning struck at the same time hitting us both, Black and green armour on him, Red and silver on me, he dug his head into the crook of my neck and I patted his back

"Lets end this now" He spoke clearly

"Agreed...Do have what I asked for" I cringed

He pulled back not taking a hand off my shoulder he handed me the two boxes "R-Right here"

"Thank you....And, once again your forgiven"

"Once your hand lands dead" he sighed

"I think" I handed Cystal the boxes "I think you and I arranged a heart to heart hm" I took his hand and pulled him off, he staggered behind me as was stopped at the edge of the docks, everyone was looking down at us I ept our hands together

"I wont last long here Aphmau"

"Rusty...If you control yourself you will be fine..."

"I sware its not me"

"I know" I patted his chest "I know its the curse, Its fine"

"N-No its not I cant even be a family with my OWN FAMILY! IT I SWARE ITS NOT ME!"

"I know" I cooed hugging him again the thunder and lightning coming and hitting us both

"Im still scared of lightning" He muttered into my neck

"And im still scared of thunder"

Satchels POV-

"Whos that" Garroth asked

"That's.....Irene and Godsforfend....Her brother"

"They look nothing alike" Laurence butted in

"Does she look anything like her parents?" Crystal laughed

"Her father has blue eyes an blond hair, her mother rusty hair and dark brown eyes, Pssshhh yeah they are a weird family" Castor groaned

"Crystal give me the rings"

"N-Now?" she asked fastly

"Now or never" I looked up the sun was showered in green and black, I loked down and Aphmau was staring at me, I slipped my helmet off shaking my hair "Now Crystal before he gets here"

"Who?" Garroth asked

"Him" I growled, she snatched the rings a gold pinky ring carved with elfish designs a small white jewel on the top, and the other a round silver ring, I gritted my teeth "This is surpost to be the happiest moment of my life"

"A-Are those w-wedding rings" Garroth asked

"Satchel" Aphmau said coming up the hill


"Goddammit Satchel" She snatched the rings from me and slid hers on her finger, she pushed Rusty inside and pushed him up the stairs, I looked down at the ring in my robot hand

"Do it for her man" Castor sighed

"Only for her" I took my glove off and slipped it on, Images flashing in front of my eyes and in seconds I was wearing males armour like her own

"Side affect" She put her hand up and her hammer came, her suit was changed "I don't care"

"Bring on you worthless....What..." she put a hand to her head and her other on her hip "What kind...Whats the snitch?.....F-Fine"

In seconds Logi was in front of her a wedding dress In his hands "Don't want to be late"

"SO MUCH FOR 2 WEEKS!" Crystal yelled

Aphmau slid the ring off her finger and I slid mine off they both hit the ground in unison and merged together, Crystal picked them up and shoved them into a box

She locked eyes with him "No tricks"

"I cant guarantee that Princess" He clicked his fingers and floating in the air was her parents struggling in a fogg grip

She looked down "Lets just go now"

"APHMAU!" I yelled

he chuckled and they were both gone her flower crown the last thing there, next to her hammer, I stared at that place as her parents dropped to the ground, her father sat on his knees and screamed Thunder and lightning going crazy, he jumped and the hammer flew into his hands, he looked around and looked at us all

"All of you get home now"


"NEITHER" Castor yelled

"PEACE OUT" Crystal bolted inside

He groled turing to his wife she smirked "I know what your thinking and I don't give two cowpies"

Thor rolled his eyes "Satchel"


"Who are these men" he asked looking at Laurence and Garroth

"Her guards" Castor laughed

"Guards? My daughter doesn't need Guards"

"Im her Boyfriend Sir" Garroth said clearly, Thors eyes widened "You her what?"

Her mother tackled him "EEEEKKK HE LOOKS LIKE YOU THOR!" she grinned pulling him up "Hi Im Aurua Aphmaus Mother! and this is her Father Thor"

He coughed and before I could say anything

"Did you say Aphmaus Mother?" Malachi asked, Oh shit....

She turned "Yes and who might you be little one"

"I-Im Malachi...Aphmaus Son"

"SON!" Thor yelled but instead of killing all the men here he picked him up "MY DAUGHTER HAS A SON!?!?!"

"And My little brother Levin" Malachi giggled

"TWO!?!? IM HAPPY" He frowned "Yet Angry GAH WOO!"

Aurua rolled her eyes "Thor shut up...Now....Wheres My son, I want to have few words with him"

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