Vagina Flicking Days Are Over

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The handcuffs were tight, digging into my tiny wrists. I tried to break free of them but I couldn't. No matter how hard I tried they wouldn't unlock. I tried to walk to find help but my shoelaces on my shoes were tied together. "One of Poot's few weaknesses." I thought to myself. That's when a figure emerged from
the darkness. He was young and gorgeous, almost as gorgeous as me, Poot Lovato. I looked deeply into his eyes. He appeared to
be a little over thirty. I didn't feel the need to flick this man in his vagina for he was far too beautiful. Besides, even if I wanted to, I could not with my restraints.
"Poot. My name is Jonah, I'm a doctor. I'm
here to help." I ignored him. I was only about three years old, I could not give away my cover by speaking as well as I could. I stared in awe and just drooled a little. "Don't play games with me Poot, I know you can talk. You're far my advanced than your sister, Demi."
"What do you want from me?" I said perfectly clear. I wasn't a fool, Poot is never a fool, I knew what he wanted. He wanted me to tell
him just about me, everything about me.
"I want you to tell me about you." Jonah spoke almost in a whisper.
"Fine, I'll tell y-" I broke free of my handcuffs and quickly untied my shoes. I ran up to Jonah to attack and release all my built up anger.
"Guards!" Jonah yelled. I was immediately grabbed from behind by two large men and my
handcuffs were put on once again. The guards went back into the darkness. "Poot, Poot, must have thought that I was a fool. That I would stand still shocked and let you flick me in then vagina. Is that right Poot?" I nodded my head sorrowfully. "Well not today Poot. Not tomorrow, not next week, not even next year. Poot, your vagina flicking days are over."
"Poot will rise." I whispered. "Poot will rise, Poot will rise, Poot will rise!" I ended up screaming at Jonah. No one could tell Poot that she couldn't flick vaginas, especially not a man who I just met!
Jonah ignored what I had said. I saw the fear in his eyes though. "Poot, you will spend the rest of your days here in this basement. Every Wednesday and Saturday, we will throw you a piece of bread and a carrot to feast on. You are a danger to society Poot." Jonah kept on rambling on and on. I knew this day would come eventually, I didn't need to listen.
It was then that I saw a small child in the dark corner of the basement. It was Demi. She maintained eye contact with me and mouthed the words, "Poot smells like poop," towards me. I saw in her face that she wanted to get revenge on me.
"Not today fatty," I mouthed so that she could see me, "not today." Demi waddled away upstairs, that was the last time I would see my sister for a while.
Jonah was still talking. "Do you understand me Poot?"
"Yes, yes I do."
"I hope you're ready Poot because I don't think you can handle it."
"Never doubt Poot, Jonah, or you will pay. You will face the wrath of Poot." Jonah didn't listen to my warning, but he would regret it. As he walked away, I yelled at him one last time, "Poot! Will! Rise!"

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