part 7

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Hope you're all having a fantastically spooky and creepy week ;] Here's a little music to get you into the mood for our next part. The Opening Them for the play Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

The Crypt.

The cities finest and most mysterious club.

A membership only club that caters to what seems to be only a few select gated communities.

It's front door forever closed to those few outsiders who dare attempt to enter.

The front gates watched by a silent dragon that stands nightly watch from dusk till dawn.

Rare is the day when one can see patrons enter. It is as though the building is empty with a watch dog at the gates to make sure it stays so.

Some people say they have seen someone enter but never come out while others say there is another entrance underground to the mysterious club. Though there may be many rumors whispering false truths about the old stone building there is one truth that stands firm.

The Crypt appears to be nothing more than a stone graveyard with no one and nothing within its locked gates.

But now, on this most celebrated of nights, All Hallows Eve, The Crypt seems to be quivering with excitement and merriment. But while many outsiders noticed the odd change within the old club none outside its doors could feign to guess that within those stone walls housed a gaggle of the most... celebratory ghouls...

For The Crypt, you see, is the home of a very different kind of patron.

Patrons that, on any other night, would strike fear and terror into the very souls of those few of humanity who were unlucky enough to cross their paths.

But not tonight.


For tonight is a Very special night that brings all of those fanciful ghouls and goblins to one stone-walled abode to enjoy a single night of festivities.

But perhaps one of the most feared in the gaggle of creatures was a lone soul who had for many years past purposefully missed such a grand occasion. A tall, taught ghoul that carved fear into the very souls of humans and goblins alike with a jagged blade of icey steel.

But for some odd reason, unbeknownst to any or maybe even itself, this terrifying figure walked silently through shadow and alley to make its way to the front door of the grand castle known as The Crypt.

His slithering form was not seen by the guard of the gates until he stood directly before him, shrouded in black as the lamps and street lights about its blackened form shuddered and flickered out. Some would say the light died out for even it was terrified of the lone figure standing before the gates of what some would deign to call,


The guard, normally ferocious and feared by those who came to the door that were not meant to be there, now bowed his great head in respect and with a slight twinge of fear as he moved aside for The Crypt's newest guest of the night to enter without a word or action to stop it.

It was only when the dark figure disappeared past the red door that the dragon finally took a deep breath and released it in a large, shaky sigh. His breath puffed before him in a cloud of steam as proof that the night air itself had frozen from the simple presence of such a dark spectre.

Within the walls of the club the dark form moved smoothly through the lit hallway to enter into the booming club.

It was welcomed by the sight of gyrating ghouls and gaggling goblins, all of which were smashed together on the old dark wooden floor. The festivities and merriment were in full swing as the clock ticked itself deeper into the night.

All Hallows Eve WishWhere stories live. Discover now