part 1

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        YES! Part 1 is here! Finaly! Just to tell you now this first chapter or two start off a little slow but this is needed to understand our main character a little more.

NOTICE: off to your right is the 'extras' bar as I like to call it. And just for your added enjoyment I will put a photo of an object in the story and a little halloween music video to set the mood ;) Today is the Adam's Family Suite which I thought was very fitting for my beginning. And the photo as you can probably see is a pocket watch, right now it might not make sense but when you start reading this part it will.

        So please enjoy!

part 1

        “You got this. You can do this. Here we go… Agh!” I stomped my foot on the porch and stalked back to the railing slamming my fist against the rotting wood. A few stray pieces of dried paint fell down to the ground and settled on the rotting wood planks. I let out an aggravated moan as I looked out past the rotting porch and out past the overgrown lawn, out onto the rest of the world where the living worked and lived.

 It was so close.

Yet so far.

I watched as a few elementary students walked past the house laughing and pushing each other around. One was pushed onto the lawn and gave out a scared squeak as they jumped back off and ran off ahead of the others. The others laughed and joked about him as they tried to imitate the sound he just made. I felt my shoulders slump as they walked on.

After all these years you’d think I would be used to their reactions. But even now I felt a slight twinge of sadness knowing that they feared me. They feared me in the same way you would fear a monster. It hurt deep inside to think of myself as a monster. I slumped down to the ground and sat cross legged. I ran my finger along the rotting planking sketching imaginary swirls and designs into the peeling wood.

 But if I wasn’t a monster, what was I? I wasn’t alive. No one could see me. No one could hear me. I couldn’t feel. My last breath had been taken long ago. My body had long since rotted into the earth with worms and bugs eating away at it leaving nothing behind. I was a soul with nothing to live for.

My life had been extinguished so long ago there was little I still remembered from it. Simply one day waking up in the middle of the house. I tried to call out for help. Tried to get people to notice me. But it was all in vein. No one could hear me. All they felt when I touched them was a cold shiver running down their spine.

I can still remember my name. It’s Jasper. But if I ever had a last name I have long since forgotten it.

I had heard of souls being left behind or staying here because of unfinished business left on earth. But that wasn’t me. I died, yes. But I didn’t feel a need to stay. In fact staying here on earth almost felt like a punishment. As if they didn’t want me up there and kept me stuck here so they wouldn’t have to deal with me.

I looked down at my hand seeing the rotting wood planking through my pale palm. It was as if my skin was simply a veil. You could see my hand but you could also everything behind it as well.

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