Beauty and the Beast

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Alright guys heres the latest chapter! I want to thank you all for your comments and continued support of my story, as always it's lovely to get your feedback! I really appreciate you guys reading - even if you don't vote or comment, I just love the fact that you enjoy my writing! If you haven't checked out the teaser trailer for the end of the book here is the link - - and I would love to know what you guys think of it. Anyway, I tried to keep this chapter clean for the majority of readers so enjoy! Love you guys xo


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Hermione tried to hold back her tears and she stormed back to the common room. How could he do that? She was probably angrier at the fact that he had waited until the day before exams to tell her than she was about what had happened.

Deep down she knew that he didn’t mean it. She just needed tome to cool down and focus on her exams. It’s not like what he had done didn’t hurt her, of course it did. She wasn’t going to let him just walk all over her, she knew they would have to talk it out. Clearly he was sorry but she couldn’t understand why he didn’t just say no, why he couldn’t have told her to leave him alone. He did it once didn’t he? He left her waiting on the train at Christmas.

Stop it, she told herself, you have bigger things to worry about.

Draco sat with his head in his hands on the couch of the room of requirement. Why did he tell her? Why did he do it in the first place? God, he hated himself in that moment. He wanted to tear the room apart but instead he maintained a firm grip in his hair.

What if she never forgave him?

Don’t be stupid, of course she’s not going to forgive you. You betrayed her.

Then there was the question of whether he should tell her about the plans.

Maybe they wouldn’t have the potion ready on time.

Maybe they would take their attack elsewhere.

Maybe they were all in irrevocable trouble.

He couldn’t think about all of this now. What was the point of failing all of his exams? What was the point in even doing them? They meant nothing if he faced a life in prison for associating with them.

He knew that he had to tell her. The question was when?

Hermione cleared her head, she put everything aside and let the textbook engulf her the night before her first written exam. When she was too exhausted to think she collapsed in a chair by the fire with weary bloodshot eyes.

Ginny came to sit by her and looked over.

“Are you alright Hermione? You look a bit off.” She said.

“I’m fine Ginny; I just have an exam in the morning is all.”

“Are you sure that’s all?”

Hermione nodded and Ginny picked up one of her books to keep reading, she was finishing off her OWLS this year and halfway through her exams.

After a while of silence Hermione spoke up.

“Ginny? What would you do if… if Harry kissed another girl?” She didn’t look up but Ginny shifted her eyes over to her.

“Why? Is something going on?”

Hermione and Draco, a Forbidden Fantasy (Dramione) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now