f i v e. / / s c h o o l d a y s a n d f l i r t y j a y s.

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"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you (A) Curse it? (B) Lock it in a tower (C) Give it a bottle (D) Carve out its heart?" The Fairy Godmother asked.

The five of us were sitting in our very own class, Remedial Goodness 101.

It sucks honestly. Its like this damn place couldn't trust us. Well, on the other hand we are trying to steal the wand sooo...

Jay and Carlos were at one desk, Mal and Evie at another. And I sat at my own desk next to Jay and Carlos'.

Evie shot her hand up into the air. "Evie." The Fairy Godmother said.

"What was the second one?" she asked. Fairy Godmother shook her head. "Oh okay. Anyone else?" Her eyes landed on Aura, the beautiful blonde who was gazing out the window.

"Aura." I looked over at the Fairy Godmother. "I haven't heard you speak the entire class. What do you think the answer is?"

My eyes quickly scanned  the board. If we were at Dragon Hall the answer was probably amongst A, B, or D. But this was Auradon. So the choice was obvious.

"C. Give it a bottle," I answered smiling with my dimples on display.

The Fairy Godmother smiled, "Correct, Aura. Well done." Jay clapped loudly and yelled "Woo! Go Aura! Thats my babygirl!"

I rolled my eyes and blew him a kiss which he pretended to catch making me giggle.

"Aur, How'd you know that?" Carlos asked. I rolled my baby blue eyes slightly. "It's easy Los, Just pick the one that dosen't sound like any fun."

"Ohhhhh!" The genius trails off. I lean over and ruffle his hair, "You got that puppy boy?"

He rolls his eyes at my little nickname. Wow Carlos is such a sass master. "That makes so much sense," Evie whispered to herself.

A girl with short brown hair and a light blue dress shyly walked into the room.

She hurried past us villain kids and up towards the front. "Hello dear one," Fairy Godmother greeted warmly.

The girl handed her a clipboard. "You need to sign off an early dismissal for the coronation." Her eyes didn't leave the five of us once, she looked worried as though Mal might turn her into a toad.

"Everyone here remembers my daughter Jane?" The headmistress said, signing the form. "Mom!" Jane whines. "It's okay. Jane this is everyone," Her mother said, pushing a bit towards us.

"That's okay," Jane said, her voice quivering. "Don't mind me. As you were." She squealed as she passed us by on her way out.

"Let's continue," The Fairy Godmother said, turning to the board. I groaned. "You finds a vial of poison. Do you: A) Put it in the Kings wine? B) Paint it on an apple?" Evie laughed quietly, Mal and I smiled. "Or C) Turn it over to the proper authorities?"

Evie, Jay, and Carlos's hands shot up like lighting. Using his sexy ass strength, Jay pulled Carlos's arm down.

"Jay." Fairy Godmother said. "C. You turn it over to the proper authorities."

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