Who is Stiles

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Rebecca decided to give us a tour of the French quarter. She showed us our rooms, were the vampires without daylight rings hang out and the kitchen. We were heading back to were Stiles and Klaus are. When we walked into the room there was a body on the table and Stiles, Klaus and Elijah were all reading books not bothered by this at all.

"We'll I see you boys made up." Rebecca said and Klaus looked up smiling.

"We'll our brother decided to bring Stiles a treat as an apology for daggering, we couldn't let her go to waste now could we." He said and than went back to his book.

"We'll a little apology treat isn't going to cut it this time. You can't buy forgiveness apparently Elijah is pulling someone else's trick." Stiles said.

"We'll apology treat or not she's staining a 100 year old carpet." Rebecca said unfazed.

"True." Elijah replied.

"I'm sorry but am I the only one that feels like there going insane here. Stiles has brothers and a sister he's never talked about. He's apparently over 1000 years old. He drinks human blood. He is not human and if someone does not tell me what the hell is going on soon I'm gonna freak." Yelled Scott. The four of them looked unfazed really.

"We'll I shall tell the tale of our family." Said Klaus with an amused exspession we all sat down and waited. "Now you all know my dear brother Stiles here. But you don't that he is a hybrid like me. The second bastard son. Our mother had a werewolf lover. And me and Stiles have the same mother and father. Our other siblings have the same mother as us, but not the father. A long time ago our mother put a spell on us. Turning us into vampires. But when me and Stiles here took our first taste of blood, we found out we were hybrids. That the man who raised us, that shouldn't have been a father to anyone was not really our father. When Michael found out we weren't his sons he asked our mother to do a spell to make our wolf sides doormat forever. So that's the story anything else." He asked. Isaac raised his hand.

"Why does Stiles hate you?" Klaus looked him in the eye and said "it's not my story to tell because it did not hurt me most." As he said this he looked at Stiles with sorrow filled eye but Rebecca piped up. "I'll tell you." She said and Klaus looked like he was going to kill her, but Stiles left the room, so Klaus went after him. Elijah stayed back with her seeming interested. Maybe he didn't know either.

"You see our little brother Stiles was in love. He's only ever fallen in love once in over 1000 years. Her name was Clair she was our little brothers wife. They had meet, fell in love and 2 years later were married. But it was secret because our family wasn't too fond on witches back then. About 6 months after the wedding Clair told Stiles that she was with child. Stiles thinking that we would all except her, told us about her and there child. I was happy for him, he was smiling for the first time In forever it felt like. He had found love and a family. Elijah here tried talking them into telling him if it was a boy or girl. Klaus however wasn't too happy. He thought that Clair would turn our brother against us and use the baby as leverage. Few months later a baby girls was born. She was beautiful had all her father. They were so happy and then Klaus decides to destroy that. While our brother was out, Klaus decided to set his house on fire. With Clair and the child inside. Stiles came home to find there house burnt, there child dead and his dying wife holding there dead child in her arms. He held his dying wife in his arms and that's when me and Elijah came. Klaus told us what he did and we came to hopefully stop it, we were too late and as his wife took her last breathe she said two things. One don't ever change and two forgive him. She then died. He for filled her wishes. Forgave our brother and didn't change. Then Klaus just got worse and worse. To the point were he gave up on forgiving. So Klaus was planning on killing Kol our other brother. But Kol was planning to kill Klaus. And Stiles living by Clair's first wish, took the dagger meant for Klaus but the only way he could keep it safe was to have the dagger in him. So he provoked Kol and Kol daggered him. 200 years he spent in a coffin we don't know how he got out, nor were the dagger is. That's the story." She finished and everyone in the room was quiet.

Not knowing what to do we all just sat there. How could Stiles forgive him. Kol and Klaus are monsters. But they say there parents were the monsters. I'll have to ask Stiles about this. His family gets more and more confusing.

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