Chapter 6

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I went back to the bar and saw the blonde lady. I walked up to the bar and sat down. When I looked up she was smiling at me and I smiled back. "I never got your name." I said and her smile brightened. "It Cami." She said and I smiled. "That's a lovely name." She laughed. "Yeah right,mare you like this with all the lady's?" She asked. I shook my head. "Only ever with one." I said.

"Tell me about her." She said. I laughed. "Well she was just like you, head strong, stubborn, always after the truth even if it kills her, sees the good in everyone and never hurts others unless need be." I said. She nodded. "Well your right about everything. What are you getting to here." I smirked this is going to be nice.


The informer I had following Cami came to me saying. "There was this guy talking to her, said he was your brother." He said. "Which one?" I asked. "I don't know I left before he noticed me." He said. "Let's pay Cami a visit." I said.

We went to where Cami works and I open the door to see Stiles. "That's the guy." He said and I was not expecting to see my little brother chatting up Cami. I walked out of there and the little vampire was following me. "You know which brother that is?" He asked. "Yes the other vampires haven't been introduced to him, maybe it's time they are." I said.

When I got back to the French Quarter I told Elijah and Marcel what I saw. "Good for him." Elijah said. "Elijah Cami's my ex." Marcel said. "Well I don't care, my brothers happy, I'm happy and so will Rebecca be when she hears the news." Elijah replied.

"What news?" Rebecca's voice came out of no where. "Our brother was chatting up a girl today." Elijah said with such pride. "Oh my god, who is it." She asked. "Cami." He said and Rebecca looked like see knew something. "What's that look for?" Marcel asked. "Cami has a lot of the qualities Clair had, there basically the same person." She said. Realisation came. I wasn't expecting that.


I heard a knock on the door and stopped painting to open it. There stood Cami, she looked like she was on a mission. "What are you doing here?" I asked. She looked uncertain. "I came to ask a favour. She said, oh being used again. "What is it?" I asked through my teeth. "Do you know any spells that help people find their true love?" She asked. "Why do you want to find yours?" I asked now interested. "No Stiles." She said and now I'm full attention.

"Does he want to find his soul mate?" I asked thinking its good for him want love. "No I came to ask because he told me about his last love and I want him to that happy again. He deserves it." She said. "What happen to his last love?" I asked. "Klaus killed her and his child." She said and like that I felt anger course through me. Then sadness because he lost his love and his child because his brother killed them.

After Cami told me the whole story I agreed to do the spell but I needed ingredients. "What do you need?" She asked. "I need 3 candles, some incense, something he holds dear and his blood." I said. "What does he hold dear and how do I get his blood?" She asked. "For the blood tell him you need it for a vampire friend if yours because he was bite by a wolf and for something he holds dear, I'll get the necklace." I said and like that we had a plan.

It's 12am and everyone's asleep, I sneak into Stiles room and I see the necklace on his shelf. I grab it and go to my room. Elijah spots me out of my room holding his brothers necklace. He grabs me and says "you know if my brother knows you took that he will bring you pain, why would you be stupid enough to do this." And I looked at him. "It's part of the spell to help him find his true love." I said and Elijah's eyes softened. "Did he ask for it?" He asked and I shook my head. "Cami and I thought he deserves a bit of happiness." I said.

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