Chapter 2: What Have I Done?!

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I woke up again. This time. My head wasn't in as much pain. I didn't feel the thick liquid around me and the space I assumed was blackness now held streaks of what I assumed were white. It could have been any color. Not that I cared. I think I've heard the term "in black and white" before so I'm just going to use those...
The space around me was filled with movement. The tiniest sound could be heard to me... a mouse stories above me waking up with a silent yawn. I heard monstrous creatures i was unable to describe around me. I could hear them scratching at the walls I assumed were there but I couldn't hear. I heard a big metal door open and I shift in the cell until I could hear better. The closer the person got the more I could hear. I could hear each thudding step he took. Each breath he started to take each swish of his arms each twitch of his fingers. The small movement of short hair. Oh man I could hear everything! I could even hear his heartbeat... he sounded angry.
"is the blasted thing up yet!" he shouted and a smaller more child like person comes running after him.
"i- I don't know sir! it could have woken when on our way to check on it?" this person... didn't sound like my friend. Neither of them did. I wanted to see my friend and ask about what he meant.
"ha. It is awake... what's the tag number on this brat again?"
I heard each movement of the boy as he looks at his clipboard and turns a page. "its 7732ip-mda-46ns-5g-3t-64i-5ha... Red says he likes to call it midnight..."
The man laughs and shakes his head. "What a dopy cute name..." I hear the sound of him raising his leg. He pulls back. I can nearly see the forthcoming kick to the bars I leaned on and I pull back long before he starts to extend his leg. He swings it and I reach through the bars as quickly as I can. I grab the foot and block it before it can even touch my bars.
"sir! It can already hear our moments!" the boy panics and backs up a bit.
"feisty little thing... call it White Death..." I feel him kick my hands and I'm pushed back into the cage easily. I was much to weak for a fight. But oh I wanted to rip his head off...
"y-yes sir..." I start to shakily stand up my legs a bit weak and tired, my arms about the only thing that can hold my body at the moment.
"put it in the arena..." the boy nods and they both walk away from me in silence. What a creep...
I hear the sound of a wall moving and I gasp turning my head to it even if I couldn't see. I step up to the moving wall and then I step inside the new room in front of me.
I hear a door far across from me open and a monster strolls in. it reared it's ugly head the teeth that of a long sabertooth. It's mouth human and its body a mix. The back legs were that of a goat and a long snake tail came from it's back. The ears on it's head twitched as it looks at me. It's body twice my size I could tell from here. It stepped once it's big hooves clicking on the tile under us. He reached out for me his human hands and arms tipped with long claws of a lion.
I could almost hear it begging in my head:
Kill me! End this suffering!
I took a step back but the wall closes behind me. Even if I had ran that door would have squished me.
The beast rushed at me. I panicked. What am I to do!?
I did the only thing I knew how. I jumped out of the way. his body missed me and I tuck and roll. I hear the wisp of my tail, air flowing through the fur.
I had a tail?
I bring my hands behind me. Ha! What do you know?
The soft fur was neatly groomed. Aww... I wonder who did that? I ask myself a bit sarcastically as I knew my friend must have done it. I felt up to the base if my tail. That was when I noticed that the fur didn't end. A full strip of fur ran up my back and to my hair. I feel the top of my head. EARS?!
I heard a huge crack and my body flies for a moment and that's when I remembered I was trying to escape this creature. I guess I'll have to worry about it later...
I pull myself from the floor as the creature howls in victory. It made me want to growl at him. That's when I really did growl at him.
I look up at the creature trying to look as brave as I can when I could feel a rib or two was broken.
The monster stares at me then turns around and knocks my legs out from under me with a swift flick of his tail.
I start to get back up I managed to push myself to my feet.
The beast growls and opens his mouth and prepares to bite me. I dodge it and manage to sink unknown nails into his stomach and I use that to pull myself onto his back as if hopping a fence.
My legs bent perfectly to the arch of his back and I had amazing sudden suspension. Each move he made of trying to throw me off only made me change where I clung to his skin. My mind stopped working all I knew was that I needed to survive. I had to hold on or else I'd be thrown off and surely stepped on and given a brutal death.
I hooked my claws into him but my hands slipped and i realized I had jabbed him with my claws so much I tore the skin in a line connecting each puncture I made and i couldn't hang on to the bloody skin. I felt myself almost fly off with only one hand holding on and my claws slipping. I had no choice, I reached inside his skin and grabbed his protruding spine making him howl in pain quite literally.
It was then he went last resort on me and flipped onto his back. His heavy body pinned me down and I could feel the strain in my bones my legs being crushed and unable to bend the way I needed. I could feel his shoulders digging into me from either side. I wouldn't be able to roll him off me unless he was limp. Which means... I'd have to kill him before he can kill me...
I tried to move my arms and to my luck his shoulder blades were only so far apart. I managed to bend his spine pulling with all I can and I hear a sickening crack as I hear him howl out then silence. His body stopped moving his heart slowly stopped pounding and his voice made no words. The begging in my head I had heard before was gone. The begging for death was lost some where inside me and I slowly came back to my own mind.
o-oh lord... i... god... I just killed someone! i... I took his skin... i...pulled it nearly off... and I snapped his spine! I-I know he was more beast than human now... but-! What have I done! No! why would I have done this...
the suffocating feeling didn't stop as I left the body on me. M-maybe... if I died I'd make up for it?
"Midnight!" I hear someone calling. I hear many other people calling after him.
"Red you dumb kid get back here!" I hear that one man snap and I feel my blood boil. It wasn't me... it was him! He put me here! He-... he killed this man!
I feel air gathering back into my lungs.
I can hear the sound of my friend. He was pulling the body off me. As best he could for being the only one. "Midnight get up!" he cries.
Boy this kid was a winner wasn't he? I can't help but chuckle in my head. People come to help and they roll the body off me. I shakily try to stand up I hear a hand in front of me.
"don't! she'll eat you!" the young boy I heard before exclaims.
A smile on my friend's face. "no she won't..." Tall, thin, but not weak or skin and bones but not muscular either. He had long hair pulled back into a low ponytail and I could have sworn he was samuri like.
I slowly take his hand. A warm feeling goes through me as if I know this hand. He gently takes my hand, my claw like nails careful of his skin.
"Red... you are a nut job with a death wish..." the boy sighs.
My friend, Red, gently pulled and I follow him, standing up.
"heard it back into the cell!" the man I hated shouted and men started to surround me. I started to feel trapped. They pulled out long sticks. I don't know what they are but my mind tells me not to touch them. I back up and stumble a bit but I can't get away.
"don't! y-you're scaring her!" Red calls.
"R-Re-d..." I hear my own voice slip out before I feel electricity storm through my body and I feel the world fading my hearing becomes hazy then weaker until I pass out.

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