Chapter 3 - inn & hot springs

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As we were walking I couldn't help but look around, it's amazing being out in the open like this. I was walking just a bit ahead tsunade and Jiraiya so they can watch me and make sure I don't do anything stupid like escape, not like I could with this many seals on me. I turn back to look at them and ask

"So who are you in war with that you need my help"

"Sound and grass" was all tsunade said

"What you do to get them as your enemy?" I ask a bit curious

"An old friend of the leaf turned against us a while ago, now he's finally putting it in action" Jiraiya says

"Oh I see, so what will I do just stay in your village and wait for them to come and attack" I ask

"Well you will do that but you'll also help train the genin" tsunade said

"What I'm helping the genin" I said in an I can't believe I have to do that voice

"Yes but don't worry they aren't that bad, I'm sure you'll like being around people your age, maybe have a childhood you never had, make friends" jiraiya said looking at me.

"Don't know how that can be when I'm only here to help with the war that's going on and besides why would I want to make friends with them if I'm going to leave right after the war is finished if I don't die before then" I finished saying

"Alright kid I was just saying it would be good for ya" jiraiya said in which I just nod my head it's not that I don't want to make friends it's just I can't they may think I'm a monster for what I did and besides I've been in prison for years with adults and j can tell you, you don't want to be friends with them so I stayed alone, won fights when they wanted to fight me. I'm used to being alone so why would I make friends. I was finally interrupted when I hear tsunade talk

"It's getting late so why don't we stay here the night"

"Sounds good to me" both me and jiraiya said. As tsunade was signing us in I was reading the booklet which said: waterfall inn (hotel) great for the hot spring, hope you have a fantastic time, enjoy. So that's where we are the hidden waterfall village (see map on first page)

"Alright now that is done why don't we go to our rooms" tsunade says holding up to keys in which jiraiya takes one of them and says

"Thanks but wouldn't it be better if we share the same room we could save money" jiraiya said with hearts in his eyes, in which he gets punched in the head and called on idiot. I just take the key from jiraiya and start walking to my room, leaving him to grumble by himself, I catch up to tsunade and say

"Is he always like that"

"Yep he's a pervert, you'll probably find that out when you go to the bath, he'll most likely try to peep over the girls side so if he does can you stop him" she says looking at me

"Sure" was all I said and found my room it was about five minutes later when jiraiya barged in the room going on about how I left him and that he had to ask the receptionist which room was his.

"You still found it so whats the matter" I said

"Arg don't worry just come on we'll go take a bath at the hot springs" he didn't even wait for my reply as he just dragged me down stairs to the bath house. Well it didn't matter I wouldn't mind going for a bath haven't for a while in prison we only had showers that aren't even hot and we weren't even allowed in them for long so it should be nice and besides I don't think anyone's going to try and kill me or the others in the bath. I start unstripping my clothes and slide the door open and enter the bath, it was so good and hot I loved it, I started to relax but I still kept my guard up.

"What's up kid you don't looked relaxed enough yet" jiraiya said

"Always have to keep guard up" I said

"Is that so"


"Whys that I'm here and I'm a sanin"

"Just a habit I guess"

"A habit?"

"Yeah they say when using the bathroom your most vulnerable so in prison they use that against you, my first week there I got stabbed on the stomach, since then I have kept my guard up so matter the situation" I said

"Sorry kid that must suck having to have to go through that since you were young" he said

"It's know big deal you get used to it" I say as if it's no big deal but he is right a kid at that age shouldn't go through the that

"This is getting depressing we should be relaxing, oh I have an idea that will cheer you up" jiraiya said with so much happiness he then looks over to the wall that separates women and men, oh no I know what he's thinking tsunade told me, he wants us to peep on the women.

"Ain't going to happen jiraiya, do you know what will happen if tsunade is there, she'll pummel as to death and I just got my freedom... we'll sort of" I whisper the last part

"Oh come on you have been in a prison full of men wouldn't it be nice to see a women's body" jiraiya said moving his hands to his chest like he's groping a women's breast. I couldn't help but smile at that

"Ha you smiled that would be the first since we got you out, now come on" I see jiraiya getting out the bath and heading to the wall

"No thanks I would rather not, I'm getting out" I said

"Suit yourself but your missing a lot" he said and continued trying to peep. I get changed in my rope that they give you when you enter the bath house and head to my room as I was drifting of to sleep I hear girls screaming and yelling which I can only guess that jiraiya finally got court, I close my eyes and wait for sleep to consume me which it does.
Hi I finally updated a chapter sorry it took so long, I hoped you enjoyed it, thanks for reading. Ja Ne

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