Chapter 4 - meeting new people

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The next morning we woke up early to get a head start to the leaf village. It took awhile but we finally managed to get there. It was breath taking I haven't seen so many trees in so long. We walk straight pass the guards at the gate which they just greet the hokage and jiraiya with respect. Which is stand able I guess considering they are both sennin and ones now a hokage.
We finally made it to the hokage tower, I was glad to finally get here cause I couldn't really stand the stares they were giving me.

Once we arrive at the hokage tower I was given a pass so I can stay in the village, a set of keys and a think envelope.

"Now those keys are for an apartment that you'll be staying at, know one really lives there cause it's old but it's still useable to live in, now here's the address" tsunade says to me while writing down on a piece of paper my new address and handing it over to me.

"Cool thanks can I leave now" I say

"Yes but one more thing" she says

"Yeah what" I say half turning to leave

"At 7:00am tomorrow morning you have to meet at training grounds 1. All the rookies your going to be teaching will be there and you'll have to introduce yourself" tsunade says

"Yea yea I'll be there" I say waving tsunade and jiraiya off, but geez do I have to wake up early just to introduce myself ... sigh

"Now that that is over I can go do some research" jiraiya says leaving in a poof of smoke

"Geez that moron" tsunade sighs and continues doing her paper work.

Back with Naruto we see him walking down the street.

"Seriously why can't I find this apartment" I say in frustration throwing my documents on the ground. I begin to pick them back up when I noticed an envelope, I open it up to see what's in it, it was money with a note inside it which read

For food expenses and clothing, don't go spending on whatever.

Gee thanks granny tsunade I was just getting hungry. I look around to find some decent looking food that would taste way better then prison food, that's when I saw a ramen shop, ichiraku ramen, I decided to go there cause it's cheap and I like ramen

"One cup of miso ramen please" I say to the chef all the while taking a seat

"Coming right up" the owner said starting to make my order. "So are you new here, I haven't seen you around"

"Ah yeah I am, just got here" I say

"Oh really where did you live before" he asks curiously.

Prison I thought to myself "just around" I say out Loud not wanting to get in detail on my situation

"Oh your a traveler, it would be great to travel around not staying in one place all the time" you have know idea but once I'm finished here, with this war I can be free.

"It sounds like you want to leave" I ask

"What of course not, I have this shop it's my life" he says with excitement

"It must be great to have something precious in your life that you would do anything to protect" I say felling a bit sad but quickly cover it up with a small smile

"Don't worry kid I'm sure you would find something soon I mean your only a kid" the shop owner said to me "order up" he puts down my bowel of ramen

"Thanks old man" I say digging into my ramen

"Know worries it's on the house"

"What really" I ask

"Yup just think of it as a welcome to the leaf village" he says

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