Cool Woman,Kise Ryouta x Kirisaki Chitoge

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She is pretty.....

"Woah!"Momoi said in amazement as she stared at the girl who suddenly appeared behind Kise's broad shoulders

"Ki-Chan!Is she a foreigner?!She's so gorgeous!Look,At that luscious blondepinkette hair!Ooh!And she has pretty aqua Blue eyes too!"Momoi said immediately bombing Kise with questions regarding the beauty behind him

"Gosh!Look at her figure!She's gorgeous all over!"Momoi continued

"Calm down,Momocchi..."Kise said sweatdropping at Momoi's hyperness

"Huh?Who is she?"Chitoge asked

"Oh!Kirisakicchi!This is Momocchi!My Manager!"Kise said as Chitoge popped in front of Momoi,revealing her perfect body

"Uwaahhhh!!!!!HOW CAN SOMEONE BE SO PERFECT?!"Momoi asked

"Anyway....Kirisaki Chitoge!"Chitoge said offering a handshake with a beautiful smile plastered on her face

"Momoi Satsuki!Nice meeting you Chi-chan!"Momoi said shaking her hand

"Chi-chan?..."Chitoge asked wondering what that 'Chi-chan' was

"Oh,Momocchi likes to give people cute nicknames"Kise said

"Ki-chan!Akashi-kun is demanding for you right now!"Momoi said

"Y-Yes!So Kirisakicchi!I'll be going to Basketball Practice now!"Kise said as he bid his goodbye

She is Devilishly Cool.....

They were walking up a hill,When Kosaki,Who was riding in a bike suddenly rolled down,seems the bike broke and separated where she was sitting

"Onodera!!!"Raku shouted as he ran hoping to catch her

"Chitoge!"Raku said

"Got it!"Chitoge said as she started backflipping spcontimuesly and kicked Raku's back boosting his running and he reached Onodera safely

"Woah!Kirisakicchi!I never knew you could do that!That was cool!"Kise said

"Huh?....What's so cool about it?"Chitoge asked

"Everything!"Kise exclaimed

'But.......She's mine.....'

"Congratulations!The two of you have won the game!"The girl said handing Chitoge a stuffed bunny

"Do you like it,Kirisakicchi?"Kise asked

"Uh.....Yeah..."Chitoge replied

"Oh well!Let's go at that classroom!"Kise pointed where it was a booth where you can wear any clothes

And Kise and Chitgoe were forced into different clothings

Until they stopped on one,A Romeo and Juliet Play costume

It fitted Chitoge perfectly and Kise looked devilishly handsome too

"Look Kirisakicchi!Fireworks!"Kise pointed to the windows where at that exact time fireworks exploded in the air

"I....Love you....Kirisakicchi"Kise said kissing Chitoge passionately in the lips

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