You've Got Nothing To Lose (Except From Me And You) - Chapter 2

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When I arrived home I ditched my bag next to the front door. "I'm home!" I called, pulling my hoodie over my head. "Hayley!" my seven year old brother squealed from the living room. "Hey Noah!" I responded as he threw himself into my arms. 

Laughing lightly, I ruffled his hair. "How was school?" I asked guiding him through to the kitchen. Noah shrugged and sat at the kitchen table. I could say the same. It was an okay first day. I made friends, I met a hot guy, I landed a potential enemy. Everything I had in my last school. 

I left him there to run up the stairs. I grabbed my bag and hoodie from beside the door and headed up the stairs to my bedroom.

My new room was nice. I'd painted the walls a light blue colour and covered my feature wall in posters. I had a double bed with blue sheets and a desk with my computer in the far corner near the window. 

There was still some boxes lying around, we'd only moved about twelve days before. I had the things that were most important to me set up first. Like my bookcase at the end of my bed, and my sound system I'd saved for, for two years.

I liked my room. 

I pulled off my Vans and collapsed on my bed, resting for a few minutes before going down stairs again to make dinner.

I jumped off my bed and walked down stairs.

"What do you want for dinner?" I asked Noah as I entered the kitchen. Dad wouldn't be home until later, he had a meeting tonight. 

I opened up the fridge, then the freezer, then checked every cupboard. There was hardly any food. Noah was still thinking. "How about McDonalds?" I suggested. Noah nodded and ran out of the kitchen to get his shoes on. 

Kids were so easy.

 I ran up the stairs to my room to quickly freshen up before walking to McDonalds. Urgh, I couldn't wait untiul I was seventeen and could drive. McDonalds wasn't too far away though. Just a five minute walk. But the car thing still stands. 

Sighing, I brushed my hair out quickly and ran the straughteners over it again. When Noah shouted impatiently from downstairs, I quickly grabbed some money and pulled my Vans on. 

"Jeez, calm down I'm here." I complained as I reached the bottom of the staircase. I yanked my hoodie over my head as Noah dragged me through the front door. "Hold up, I need to lock the door." I said and locked it. 

"Girls take soooo long, I'm starving!" Noah complained pulling at my hoodie. "Sexist much?" I laughed. Noahs eyes widened. "You said a bad word!" 

I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Noah, sexist isn't a bad word." He looked confused. I shook my head at him. "But - I thought - A boy in my class said... what?" 

I laughed some more. "Let it go little bruv." I told him. He furrowed his eyebrows.

The walk to McDonalds was okay. Besides the fact Noah almost got hit from a car by running across the road too early. He almost started crying when I scolded him for it, so to stop him from doing so I promised him a McFlurry. 

"What do you want Noah?" I asked as we stood in the queue. "A McFlurry." He said stubbornly. Rolling my eyes I answered "I meant for Dinner. Not Dessert, nice try though." 

Noah frowned then sighed. "Chicken nugget Happy Meal and a balckcurrent fruit shoot." He said quietly. I walked up to the counter as the cashier called "Next!"

I told Noah to go find a table and I ordered the food. I got myself a souble cheese-burger and a medium fries and what Noah wanted.

After I'd paid, I turned around and banged right into something. "Sorry!" We both said at the same time. I recognised the voice. "Oh, hi Josh!" I said smiling. He grinned back as I noticed Oliver behind him.

You've Got Nothing To Lose (Except From Me And You) - Watty Awards 2011Where stories live. Discover now