Second chances (Hummelberry, Klaine )

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Kurt sat on the couch eyeing 'Finchel' and 'Brittana' who sat on the other 2 couches. "I don't get it everyone has a date except me" Kurt complained. "Nuh-uh there's um....Adam" Rachel said.

"Rachel I know you're trying to help but me and Adam broke up 4 years ago" Kurt said. "Okay there's......I know you dated someone else in highschool ummm" Rachel said. Kurt sighed and said "It was Brittany". Santana got a disgusting look on her face, wich made Britt, Finchel and me laugh.

"What" Santana asked. Finn then got a call "I gotta take this" he said and went into the other room.


"Hey Finn, I was wondering when you're gonna be back"

"Um...Give me a minute"

"K so I'll give you 10 I'm guessing"

"KK see you then, bye"

Finn hung up and went back over to Rachel. "Who was that" she asked. "It's my new roommate he wanted to know if I was coming back anytime soon" Finn replied. "Why don't you go home and bring him here" Kurt said.

Finn then left.

Rachel walked over to Kurt and sat beside him. Kurt stared at his lap.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. Rachel answered it. It was a church person. They said "Hi I was wondering if I could interest you in signing up for Baptist church". Kurt stood up, plugged his, said La La La La, and walked in circles.

"I'm sorry but my friend over there is Agnostic" Rachel said. "Oh I see. Have a nice day" the person said and left. Kurt Sat down.

Rachel was about to close the door when she saw Finn pull up in his car.

She walked outside.

"So you don't believe in god" Brittany asked "Or the devil" Kurt said.

Rachel and Finn then came in. Wait where's his roommate?? Kurt went outside and Finn's roommate was sitting on the porch step staring at his feat.

Kurt sat beside him. "Hii" Kurt said. No answer. "I'm Kurt, Finn's step-brother". He looked up at Kurt. "Blu-Blaine" Blaine said. Kurt smiled. "That's a cute name. You wanna come inside? I promise they don't bite" Kurt said. Blaine smiled.

Kurt got up, dusted himself off, and helped Blaine up.

Kurt walked in. Blaine trailed behind, slowly.

Blaine and Kurt sat on the empty couch.

Santana then said"You 2 like-" "SANTANA! God, I haven't known a guy for 2 minutes and you already assume that we're dating! You don't even know if gay, bi, straight, or transsexual!" Kurt interrupted. "Gay" Blaine said "What" Finn asked.

"Gay. I'm gay" Blaine said. Everyone was silent after that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2013 ⏰

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Second chances (Hummelberry,  Klaine )Where stories live. Discover now