Chapter Two

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Disclaimer I don't own the orignial theme or Characters of the House of Night series. They are the sole product of P.C and Kristin Cast. Enjoy

>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pic of Roxanne in sidebar>>>>>>>>>>>


Erik was in his sister’s car telling her about Neferet and what was going on with him and Nyx. Since Jack was gone he needed someone that would listen, and he didn’t want to unload everything on Damien. He had enough on his plate right now.

“Maybe one of the traffic cameras outside the school caught something. I’m sure the government is spying on you guys,” she said trying to be helpful. 

“I don’t think the police would let us look at it, they have some bad history with the school,” he smiled. “Where are we?” Erik asked as they got out the car and walked through a parking lot to what looked like a mansion.

“It’s some country club my friend works at,” she shrugged.  Erik knew his sister well enough to know she was hiding something. Every time he inquired about the friend she was visiting Clara changed the subject, or acted nonchalantly about it. Clara couldn’t keep a secret if her mouth was sewn shout. The fact that she was trying so hard to keep this up impressed him. 

“Does your friend have a name?” he asked playing the over protective brother role.

“It’s not a guy friend it’s a girlfriend calm yourself,” she smiled as they walked into the dining hall. The room was dimly lit which made everything have a golden glow. All the tables had white linings on them and polished crystal wine glasses. The center pieces were purple candles with a ruffled peddle like base. The candles were all lite and placed in crystal vases.

“Can I get you guys a table?” the concierge asked as they approached.

“Yes for two by the bar please,” she said giving him her coat and following him.

Erik couldn’t help but notice everyone in there had to be over fifty. He also wondered what you could do at a country club beside golf and tennis. It was below zero, even though the roads were clear everywhere else was pretty much deserted. The brisk March air made everyone long for a mild spring day.

“Clara does your friend wear leak proof underwear. These people are older than Grandma Jane and Grandpa Ted combined,” Erik said making his sister laugh.

“We’re here for her,” Clara said pointing at the huge stage in front of them. He saw someone playing around with mics and realized she sorta looked familiar. She looked like… It couldn’t be? Could it?

“That’s not Roxy is it?” he asked through clenched teeth and slowly turning red.

“Yes that’s Roxanne the love of your life. Why are you mad?” she asked not understanding her brother’s behavior. She thought he’d be happy to see Rox again. The two of them had been joined at the hip longer than she could remember.

“Do you or do you not remember her cursing me out and telling me she never wanted to see me again?” he asked her. He couldn’t believe Roxy was here. He never thought he’d see her again he wanted to, but she made it clear she didn’t want anything to do with him.

“Don’t act like you’re not loving this, I know you are,” Clara smiled at him. “I care about both of you, and I wouldn’t bring you here if it would upset either of you.”

She didn’t understand. He’d abandoned Roxanne all this time. How could they just move on like there wasn’t an elephant in the room? Just knowing sooner or later he was going to have to say something to her was awkward. What was there to say? They couldn’t be what they were before. They weren’t who they were before everything feel to pieces.

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