Chapter Sixteen

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Erik took my car keys and was droving us to my house. He was mad at me, yet I didn’t see why. Miles was my friend. Miles knew how much I loved Erik, but it wasn’t enough for either of them. Erik was now blocking his feelings from me and not responding to my mental pleas. Stop being such a baby. My friend gave me a gift, that’s all. I mentally yelled at him just when the night started to get worst.

“Text message received from daddy,” the car’s automatic system said. I felt Erik get really irritated then the feeling went away.

“Read text,” I said not really wanted to add to Erik’s torment, but I had to make sure everything was okay with Isis. She was really homesick and needed to hear my voice every now and then. His friends were talking to Morgan who was really curious about what they did, and what The House of Night was like.

“Please call your grandmother,” it said. 

“Reply to text. NO exclamation point,” I yelled making everyone quiet down a little bit. “Send text.”

“Is everything okay,” Lenobia asked. She offered to sit in the back so she could talk with Morgan. They were getting alone well.

“Everything’s great,” I said smiling back at her.

“Text received from daddy,” the system said again.

“Read text,” I said seeing Erik smiling out the corner of my eye.

“That was not a question,” it said. I grunted a low moan.

“Just call her,” Erik said.

“NO!” I yelled at him. I folded my arms and looked out the window.

“Are you sure everything is okay,” Lenobia asked again.

“I’m fine,” I said continuing to look out the window.

“Roxy, stop being a baby you’re grandma can’t be that bad,” Morgan said, unknowingly making my blood boil.

“She’s not my grandma she’s a surrogate mother that want’s to claim what’s not her’s. She’s not my family she’s nothing,” I said hearing someone gasp at my coldness.

“You can’t believe that,” Zoey said, or at least it sounded like Zoey.

“Yes, I’ve never been more sure of anything in my whole entire life. She never cared about my mom. My so called grandmother only sent her to America to get money from the United States government. She sold my mother as if she were damaged goods,” I yelled. “Don’t tell me I can’t hate her for putting my mom through that. Do you know she sent my mom to the States on a pirate ship were my mom was repeatedly raped before she out smarted them, and found her way to the school in New Orleans my ‘grandma’ sold her to. And when my sister got diagnosed with cancer she wouldn’t get tested to be a donor. My so called grandmother’s last words to me were God be with you, you whore at my mother’s funeral. So don’t tell me I can’t hate her,” I said steaming. I hated that everyone expected me to get over it because she was my grandma. No way in hell was I going to do that.

“I’m not a psychiatrist or anything, but it seems like you don’t want to fix things with your grandma because it makes you think about how much you miss your mom,” Erik said. He was reading my feelings through our imprint and I thought that was so unfair.

“Shut up,” I whispered to him. I knew he was smiling even though I didn’t look over at him.

“Call from the Maple Ridge fire department,” The car system said.

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