(A/N Sorry for the previous chapter, it was bad and shitty, I know! I had a hard time on that chapter, so don't judge. I had to have it SHORT, so now comes the chapter we've waited on! XOXO)
I wake up. Omg! It's today!! My parents are waiting on me. I jump up.The favorite shirt, as always, My Chemical Romance tee. I take a pair of black trousers with skin on the knees. My black combat boots. I comb my hair and fix my makeup. Not black as usual. A thin line of eyeliner and some light eyeshadow thats skincoloured. A light red lipstick, done! I go out to get some breakfast. One girl, Alice, who tried to be my friend notices that I'm happy as a sunshine today.
"You've been adopted? You look happy as hell today." Alice sounds confused.
"They've found my real parents!" I smile back.
*Time skip*
I look in the mirror one last time and straightens out my shirt.
"You ready?" Agustine asks.
"Hell yeah!" I smile back and jump into the backseat of the car. Toned windows, I can't see a damn thing! I've become friends with Agustine. 15 minute drive then she stops. I can see that about seven people is standing on the grass forward to the house. I straighten my shirt and pulls up my pants as much as possible. Then I open the door.
My eyes adjust to the sunshine. My heart then melts. A big banderoll hangs in the tree. It says 'Welcome home Killjoy, we missed you!'. Lindsey is wrapped in the arms of Gerard, Ray smiles a little, Mikey has tears in his eyes and Frank smiles like a madman. Lindsey releases a tear.
"MOM, DAD, FRANK, MIKEY, RAY!!" I shout and laugh. I run towards them. They smile. I crash into their arms.
"Bandit!" Lindsey sobs. I hug her. Then I look at my dad. He has a tear of luck in his eyes too. Ray hugs me and the same does Mikey. Now, the crazy Frank takes my head under his arm and ruffles around with my hair so it becomes messy.
"Frank!! I worked long on that!" I say with a sharp tone.
"Haha, welcome back little Killjoy! Just as sassy as your father." Frank laughs. Then he lifts me up and throw me on his shoulder. Then he starts to run.
"Pu-u-u-ut me do-o-own!! Frank!" I scream. Gerard, I mean dad, runs after me.
"Frank Iero, put down my daughter now!!" He says sassy.
"NEVER, WAY!" He slows down a little.
"Papa!!" I try reach out my hand to him. Then Frank runs faster.
"C'mon Way, you can't catch me!!"
I throw my leg in Frank's and he screams in pain and looses his grip on me. I land on my feet and Frank jumps around on one leg and mutters curse words. Dad comes and for the sake, he kicks Frank in the other leg. Frank screams even louder and the curse words also gets louder. I burst out in laughter together with my dad. We both falls on the ground and laughs our butts of. Frank jumps to Gerard and mutters curse words.
"Is this how you treat me for flying in to meet this crazy killer!?!" He points at me.
I get up and hug Frank. He hugs back. My mom rushes to dad thats still laughing so hard he can't breathe. Mom gets him on two feet. We goes inside. I don't remember anything from the house. When I get up to my room I see a pink teddybear.
*flash back*
"Isn't it pretty, Bandit?" Mom asks.
I nod. Frank smiles. I hug my new teddy. Frank was kind and gave it to me. I hug him.
"Thank you, Frankie!!" I laugh.
Dad smiles.
*end of flashback*
Uncle Mikey and Ray has gone home, so only Frankie is left.
"But, hey Bandit, since I missed all your birthday's I'll give you this, and that's my savings!" Frankie says and brings what looks like a wrapped whale. I open it and gasp.
"NO FUCKING WAY, FRANKIE!!" A shiny black guitar waits on me.
"I heard you could play so I'd HAVE to buy you a guitar. I brought mine too, so we could jam now!"
He plugs in mine and his guitar. We warm up. He then whispers something in my ear.
"Let's play 'Mama' for Lindsey!" He whispers. I nod.
We begin. Gerards smile goes up. I step so that I face Lindsey, then I begin.
"Mama, We all go to hell.
Maaama we all go to hell!
I'm writing this letter and wishing you well.
Mama, we all go to hell!!"I sing. "Stop asking me questions, I'd hate to see you cry!
Mama, we're all gonna die!"
Lindsey looks scared. Gerard notices mom's face and begin laughing.
"And when you go, don't return to me, my love!" I jam my guitar a little extra.
I finish with an extra riff. And fall on my knees next to Frank.
"Well, fuck you Gee!" Frank says. "Hey, Bandit, wanna be the singer in My Chem??"
Dad's jaw drops and he looks jealous.
"Hell yeah!!" I high five Frank.
"Sorry, but you are way to young to tour with four grown up men, little Bandit." Mom says and dad sticks out his tounge.
"Damn it! Well, Bandit, you have to grow some!" Frank pets me on my shoulder. He leaves soon. Mommy cooks dinner while dad and I play some songs. We play Dead right now. Dad sings and I show off my skills. Dad lives in in the song.
"Haaaaave you heard the news that you're dead!?" Dad sings.
The song ends and dad falls on his knees and finishes the song. We then played 'Teenagers'.
"Teenagers scare the living shit outta me!" He says pointing at me. "They could care less as long as someone'll bleed!"
"FOODS READY!!" Mom screams in the middle of our song. Dad quits and runs to the food. I turn of the speaker and when I sit down at the table dad has already begun eating.
Where is Bandit?
RandomGerard and Lindsey Way had a daughter and then when Bandit was three, she got kidnapped. Now the Way family is doing everything to get her back.