Chapter 31 - Under The Sun

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Hey guys! So, seeing as it's a Bank Holiday today (woo!) I figured I'd take a day off from revising and write the next chapter! Hope you all enjoy, and as always please vote/comment if you do! Much appreciated dudes! :)

Photo: Noah

Song: All Summer Long, by Kid Rock (The best driving song everrr)!


Noah POV:

Gradually opening my eyes, I rolled over in bed and came face to face with Lily, although her steady breathing told me she was still fast asleep. Her golden hair was spread out beneath her on the pillow, and the duvet cover was pushed down to her waist. Reaching across, I brushed a strand of hair that had fallen over her forehead and tucked it behind her ear, smiling when she groaned and unconsciously shuffled closer.

Glancing at my watch, I saw that it was already past eleven in the morning, meaning we were probably going to get woken up any minute. As if on cue, I heard light footsteps from outside the bedroom door. Laughing softly to myself, I put a hand on Lily's arm and shook her awake, receiving a groan and a swear word in the process.

"Wake up honey," I whispered, kissing her on the forehead as her eyes opened sleepily. "Someone's coming in to wake us up, and do you know who gets the waking up duties in this house?"

Lily groaned and wiped her eyes, staring at me drowsily. "I'm guessing it's JJ," she smiled. "Right?"

I nodded and threw my head back against the pillow as the door handle slowly turned. Reaching down, I grabbed the edge of the duvet and pulled it up over both of our heads, so we were completely hidden. Turning towards Lily, I put my fingers to my lips to signal for her to be quiet. She nodded, a look of understanding passing her eyes as she put her hand over her mouth to stop from giggling. We both held our breath as the door squeaked open.

"YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP NOW!" JJ's shouted, before he laughed and jumped on the bed, bouncing in between Lily and I.

Looking at her, I winked, and we both burst from the covers, surprising JJ who shouted and dived towards the pillows, still dressed in his Spiderman pyjamas. I burst out laughing as Lily ruffled JJ's hair and kissed the top of his head that at that moment was right up against her shoulder, like he was trying to hide.

"Uh oh," Lily laughed. "Did we scare you?"

"Of course we scared him," I grinned, wrapping an arm around his small waist and rolling him over so he was on his back. "Didn't we JJ? We got you good. Big bro rules all!"

"I wasn't scared," he argued, sitting up and folding his arms across his chest defiantly. "I was pretending."

"Not quite sure if I believe that little man," I smiled. "What do you think Lily? Was he pretending, or did he almost pee his pants?"

"Oh I think he was pretending," Lily nodded, smiling when JJ scooted closer to her. "He's too brave to fall for one of your stupid pranks, right JJ?"

"Yep," he said, bouncing on the bed excitedly before crawling to the edge. "Well you have to come down now, sis and Rich are in the kitchen having breakfast. And dad made me come and get you."

Lily glanced at me with a worried look on her face, and I knew what she was thinking. "I can't go downstairs in my pyjamas," she said, confirming exactly what I thought she was going to say. "My hair's flying every which way and I'm wearing sweats and a vest top."

"I think you look pretty," JJ said suddenly, barely audible from the side of the bed.

"Hey," I laughed, jumping out of bed and pulling on a white t-shirt. "You stole my line little man, that's exactly what I was going to say."

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