chapter 1

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Mabel's POV

When I woke up the first thing I saw was a ceiling. When I turned my head over I saw a woman walk out of the room. I heard the sound of the door close and the sound of her shoes ad she walked down the hall outside of the room.

I felt a horrible pain in my head. I put my hand on my head and felt a big bump. I sat up for a second and saw a mirror across from me. The bump was big but hardly noticeable. I heard some one coming I quickly lied back down. A small boy with brown hair who wore a hat that had a pine tree on it came in. he wore a blue vest with an orange shirt. He had on sorts as well as tennis shoes.

An old man followed the boy. The man had big ears. He wore a dark red fez on time of his head. He had on a black suit.

"Mabel!" The boy yelled at me. I looked on both sides of me. "Kid are you alright". "Yes thank you for asking ....but who are you and who's Mabel?" I asked. There faces looked as though they were scared but not for them self but for me was I missing something? "Mabel What do you mean dont know who we are.... Who you are....don't you remember?" The old man said looking at me like something was wrong. "I mean I have no idea who you are or who Mabel is". Before anyone else could say anything a man with black hair walked in. "Excuse me but could I have a word with you two" he said to the bit and the man. The three walked out of the room and as the boy closed the door he looked at me.

"Were going to keep her here over night and run some test and see if we can get her memory back" the man who at that point I'm pretty sure was the doctor. "Memory? But I have my memory's....don't I?" I said quietly to myself knowing I wasn't supposed to hear what he said. I thought back and realized I don't remember anything since I woke up a few minutes ago.

I heard as the foot steps if the man and the boy walked down the hall way and out the door. The doctor walked back in. "Now were going to run some test on you" he said yo me in his nice calm voice. "O-ok"_ I stutterd he grabbed his clip board.
_______________time skip______________

In the morning I awoke. The doctor was on the phone he was talking to some one. "Ok see you soon" he said then hung up the phone. "Good news Mabel you can go home but I want you to try to remember. And trust these people" he said to me nicely. It seemed the more he talked the more I trusted him. "Ok" I said tiredly and rubbed my weary eyes. Soon the man came. Just the man "are you ready to go sweetie?" He asked me "yes but please call me mabel for now " I said to him.

We got into his old car and I buckled. He started the old thing up. He started to drive. "How ya feeling?" He asked me "fine" I plainly answered him. "Except my head hurts" I said to the pounding of my head. "I know that's why the doctor gave us some pill's for your head" he smiled. He started driving towards the old dusty shack that he said he lived in. We both got out I walked up to the mystery shack. The old man opened the door and I walked into a dark home.

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