chapter 8

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Mabel's POV

After me and dipper had walked around town we went back to the shack. Not long after we got to the shack I left to go for a walk. I had told dipper not to follow me. I was walking down the side walk as the street light's lit up. A Shadow-like figure appeared in a ally near me. "Hello?" I asked. No answer. The figure slowly moved towards me. "Who's there?" I asked. A short boy with white hair who wore a light blue suit walked out of the shadows. "Why Mabel I have been looking everywhere for you" he said he seemed to have a country accent. "Who are you" I asked wondering why he was in an ally. "Oh of course I forgot you lost your memory. I'm Gideon your....your boyfriend" he said to me with a cute smile on his face. "Boyfriend?" I said not sure if he was telling the truth then i took a second look at him,he was adorable how could I not be his girlfriend? "Ya I guess that makes since" I smiled . "its pretty late right now but how would you like for me to show you around some more tomorrow?" He asked me "that would be good. See you then" I smiled and turned around and started to walk back to the shack. I walked down the path to the mystery shack. Once I got there I went straight up to bed not talking to anyone. I lied In bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Gideons POV

After Mabel left I walked home to greet my father. I walked inside the house . "gideon? But your supposed to be in jail" my father said. "I decided I needed a brake" I answered him and walked into my room and closed the door. I sat at my desk and pulled out a check list from my pocket. I grabbed a pin and checked off two boxes. "Escape from Jail. Check " I checked it off . " make Mabel belive I'm her boyfriend. Check. " I checked it off as well. Before anything else I walked to my bed and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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