Dark times and sad places

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Naruto's POV
When I woke up it was dark and my body was aching. 'I'm not dead yet' kyu was oddly silent. I found myself in some abandoned building .

When I came out I looked to see that it had only been a few hours that  passed since the incident, and it was about 12:00 but I couldn't be too sure by just looking at the sky.

I limped silently to bridge almost to tired to wipe off that stupid grin off my face .

ha the key word being almost. Its almost as if I'm stuck like this with fake happiness somehow glued to my face sometimes.

When I arrived at the bridge I was rewarded with I fairly hard smack on my head by your truly Sakura Haruno.

"You BAKA!", she yelled
"what took you so long all the teams are here you probably over slept, god your so stupid."

As she ranted about how horrible I really was, my wrists ached like crazy it had been so long .

Kakashi's POV  (ha bet you weren't expecting that )

When I got to bridge I saw that everyone but Naruto was there. now that was too strange since I was always late how could he be even later than me.

He finally arrived about 15 minutes later his face looked distraught and he had scratch's all over himself with a limp as he favored his left arm

But it seemed his injures were paid no mind as Sakura took no time to hit him in the head as he flinched violently. That girl god help us all  how was she born so ignorant.

He had clearly been a fight of some sort with some sort of....................oh my was that blood in his hair.

As I looked closer at him I saw that he was gazing with what looked like a longing at his wrist.

"Well rookie 9 and Gai's  team". I said
  "Today is October 10th the day the kyuubi was defeated by the 4th  hokage ; and in its honor we have a festival like this every year.

" But this year me the other team captains and I have decided to use today as a bonding experience  so  stick together and enjoy the festival together."

Naruto POV

'No the villagers they'll I don't want to be hurt again not anymore not anymore notanym-'

Kit calm down just breath everything will be okay ,okay its fine it'll be fin

'No it won't I hate it I hate all of them I wish I just wish it would all end .
I...........I can't do it I need to cut Kyuubi please I need I deserve it its the only thing that calms me down gives me .........control.'

oh kit you shouldn't do it we can work it out we can tal---

'No! I'm don't with talking you don't understand I hate this all I hate myself I just wanna die! What would you now y-you don't see the glares or feel the pain just go go away leave me alone.'

After I yelled I was struck with a silence a loneliness

'Kyu......, kyu....... Are you there I'm so sorry please come back your the only one their please don't leave please don't leave me alone not today please stay .'

What was I thinking I'm so dumb o pushed him away the villagers were right I...... I am  monster.

When I started paying attention again I say everyone staring at me with strange looks

"Hey," Sasuke said, "hey dobe didn't you hear what Kakashi just said".

"He told us to go home and meet back in a hour here to get ready for the festival OK,"Shikamaru added tiredly

"O-ok I", said and ran home. As soon as I got there I was greated with a new sheen of graffiti all over my walls and you'd never guess what I said

Go die demon, if you come out today it'll be your last

Hundreds of words covered the wall

Just that word by itself almost through me into a panic attack I could remember want they did to me that night as clear as ever.

*Trigger warning ahead please do not put your self at risk by reading*

That was the last straw for me I picked out an old kunai and attacked my wrist .

When I was finished I realized that I had cut for every word I had saw blood ran from my hand like water making puddles around the floor.

It was strongly mesmerizing watching the red paint the floor with its beautiful color.

'Oh shit ',I thought
I had lost track of time and if I didn't leave quick I was going to be late I really don't wanna be hit by Sakura again.

Kurama  still won't answer I wish he was back I miss him I quickly got dressed  in a black kimono and tided my hair into a low pony tailNaruto has long hair in this fic)and left the door open there was no point anyway.
The villagers were going to trash his apartment anyway.

Now though as he set of he couldn't keep a smile as he knew nothing good would come today it might even be his last.

A.N hello readers how do you like the longer chapter I really tried on this one .sorry it took so long I was trying to make it the best a and longer for you guys. Please enjoy comment and vote bye
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