Ive found love right??

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Gaara POV

And of course I was wrong about Naruto I mean. When I arrived his blood was the only thing I saw surrounding him in a puddle he was unconscious bleeding heavily. While the villagers laughter shouting insults "demon"

and they said

"you've gotten what you deserved this is what you get for killing my child I hope you burn"

I saw some lights torches what the f*** where they  about to do and then it clicked they were about to set my Naruto on fire who do they think they were. I snapped static raged in my ears and everything went black.

I was about to kill them all when I had stopped me touching my shoulder. I turned around in anger

"who are you" I said

But when I got a closer look I saw that it was too Tsunade herself.

"why are you protecting them do you want Naruto to be hurt these people are too stupid to realize they can't do this anymore you obviously can't take care of him" I ranted

Until she stopped me to slap across the face. I would have killed her before if Naruto hadn't shown me that touch your didn't always mean hate.

"Do you think you're the only one who cares about Naruto get over yourself. This has been going on long before he knew you.

I'm not trying to protect any of the villagers, but if you keep acting Reckless like you are now you're going to get naruto killed.  You know how those Villages you know how they'll take it if you kill people.

Naruto will face the consequences worst case scenario he may even be executed. Think about what you doing you can do what you want to them just don't kill them." She yelled

and she ran and took Naruto to the hospital I presumed.

I chuckled Darkly I knew just how to deal with these fools.

Time skip the next day

I was worried Naruto still had woken up yet, I stayed  by his side all night. it's not like I slept anyway, but Naruto still hadn't woken up I was starting to really get scared and angry now if he didn't wake up soon some one was going to die.

"Naruto please wake up you're worrying me you should be okay right now. Please wake up you're hurt and it makes my heart feel funny. " I said

"But where going to be okay, right, you  made me alright so you're going to be okay. You'll  come with me you can live together I don't really care if you want to go you'll come around I just know it."

"and I don't care what Tsunade says you'll be with me and you'll be ok. we'll be fine forever you can stay with me forever."

"You can tell me what this weird feeling my heart feels like  when you're near. Always pounds and when its near you and there's like butterflies in my stomach."

" I've never really felt that way before but I like it. No ones made me  feel that way, except when I'm with you. It'll be easy I just know it."

"You'll never get hurt again with me. I never let you get hurt again with me I'll take of care you might like Suna better anyway."

"Even if Tsunade says know I'll find away even  if it means ending our alliance and you know konoha  needs that alliance with Suna more then we need it with them. "

"You know Tsunade told me that if it weren't for the kyuubi you would have died. It made me really sad I just want you to know that if you ever feel alone I'll always be there for you."

"I feel like such a coward for things when you're not awake, but I think that I really really like you. I don't really know what love is but I know I like you a lot more than a brother." I rambled

His hand twitched in mine, and I was so happy

"Naruto,Naruto are you OK do you need a nurse Naruto."

And then I heard his soft adorable snores and sighed at least I knew he would wake up soon.

suddenly I heard a hand on the door about to turn in a figure walked in.

So who do you think it is......... Guess in the comments I wanna see who gets it right first.  

Another's Note
hey guys it's resonance15 again I'm so sorry for not updating school has been so rough for me I've been trying to pass all my classes as a freshman in high school It's so hard but ill try to do more but I feel like I'm really neglecting my stories but I don't want to just stop and its been months and I'm really sorry you guys but since it spring break I hope to update a lot more and I found the faster wait update I'm so excited.!!!!!!!!!!!!!☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺😊 :)(:

Omfg 30K reads and 300 followers Im so excited!!!!!!!!!☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺😊 :)(:

I've  decided that for my every 50 followers the 50th will get a prize either a super faster update of the story of your choice or I'll write a one shot of your choice and dedicate it took you I hope you participate bye guy.

So I wonder who the luck 350 the follower will be plz spread the word.

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