Team Jacob Only!

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1. TEAM JACOB!! Because we can take the heat!! And only gay boys sparkle :P

2. dear Jacob, i got Bella, i win! sincerely, Edward Dear Edward, i kissed your wife, I'm going to marry your daughter and I'm alot hotter than you, i win! , Jake

3. When i started watching Twilight, i was (of course) Team Jacob. But.. now I'm Team Edward, because Edward deserves Bella and Jacob deserves ME!

4. ....says " Who cares if the vampire sparkles? My werewolf growls! "

5. Dear Santa,

        All i want for Christmas is Taylor Lautner. I've been a good girl, is that to much to ask for?!?

                  Love, (enter your name)

6. I Love Jake, Jake Loves Me, Were So Happy Without Nessie, And please tell Bella to Leave us alone, By the Way I Stole Edwards Phone (sing to the tune of I love You, You love Me From Barney)

7. Just came from the doctors, they said I have O.S.J.D.(obsessive Shirtless Jacob Disorder) I'm fine with that! ;)

8. EXTRA EXTRA! Jacob Black has no shirts due to the fact I burned them all today.

9. Doctors Recently discovered Half of the worlds Female population is BLIND..Reason: Theay Think Edward Cullen is Hot...PuLease TEAM JACOB!

10. Dear Jacob, I win. Sincerely, Edward.        Dear Edward, It's okay. I'm screwing your daughter. Love, Jacob xoxo

11. Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You hate Jacob Black and I Hate You :D

12. If I want Something Sparkley I will get a Tiara...Not Edward Cullen Evven though he Sparkles like one..TEAM JACOB

13. I LOVE JB SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! What the heck! You think I'm talking about Justin Bieber! You're kidding right?! I'M TALKING ABOUT JACOB BLACK!

14. When Life gives You Edward, Throw him Back and Yell "I WANT JACOB!"

15. We are best friends You laugh i laugh, you cry i cry, you say Edward sucks ill agree you say  Jacob is gay Ill La-push you off a cliff and hold you under!!

16. Jacob Black Hotter Than You Since 2009

Hey Guys Im Sorry I Havent Uploaded In Ages, I Just kept Forgetting And This Chapter Was So Hard To Write...Wanna Know Why?!......Its Because Im Team Edward Biatch! Hahaha Yes Its True, I wanted To Cry Writing All These Horrible Things...But Yano I Love All You Mutt Lovers Enough To Write This For You..




Love You All Lydiaa <3

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