Team Edward Only!!

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1. Jacobs Just The Cute Little Puppy Dog That Lies at The End Of Your Bed Whilst Your Sleeping With Edward.

2.Me, Obsessed? P-ulease Im Not Obsessed! *Shiny Silver Volvo Drives Past* "WAIT EDWARD COME BACK!"

3.If its gonna rain like Forks, at least give me my sexy immortal vampire to go with it!

4.I'm not hard to please... If i cant have Edward Cullen i will settle for Rob Pattinson!

5.1% of girls would cry if they saw Jacob Black about to jump off a cliff the other 99% would be sitting with popcorn and 3D glasses yelling "JUMP, FUR BALL, JUMP

6.Who sees you when you're sleeping, and knows when you're awake? What? Santa Clause isn't real! No, it's Edward Cullen!!

7.If you tell me i am crazy for obsessing over Edward & that vampires don't exist i will give you a paper cut & holler for Jasper. Do you want to take that chance

8.Werewolf's come and go, but diamonds are forever...Team Edward.

9.if you ever say Twilight sucks,Edward Cullen is weird/not real or the whole thing is gay,I will La Push you off a cliff and Jacob won't be there to save you!HA!

10.Yes, I'm a different religion...I'm Twilightian! The Twilight Saga Books are my Bibles and Edward Cullen is my God!

11.Edward Cullen Brings A Whole New Meaning To The Phrase "Dimonds are a Girls Best Friend"

12.Whenever I hear thunder, I shove my way out of the house screaming "I wanna play baseball too, Edward!"

13.Most Edward fans have been fans since twilight i have been a fan since Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire.

14.Katy Perry was Wrong! The Only Person whos Hot AND Cold Is EDWARD CULLEN :P

15.Forget the prince on the white horse coming to save me because here comes Edward Cullen in a Volvo to save my life or take my soul but either way i like it

16.Im envious of Bella-I'm brunette and clumsy too, so where is my sparkly Volvo-driving vampire??

Hello, I Hope You Liked It..I Must Admit I Enjoyed Writing This Chapter More Than The Team Jacob Chapter, You All Know Why Haha, As Usual...




Love Lydiaa! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2011 ⏰

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