A New Start

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Written; October 22,2015
Chapter Four

     My legs ache as my body trembles. I've been walking for over three hours and still have not reached a town. Each step is agony, the handle to the mysterious ruby knife jabs my side with my progression.
     Slowly, very slowly I become frustrated with everything around me. The wind moving the leaves over my head, the soft "clank" of my footsteps, and even the sound of the stream in which I follow hoping it leads to a town.
     The corner of my mouth twitches with the agony and frustration within me. "Keep calm" I told myself. "Find a town, get a bed, sleep" I repeated my next course of actions over and over out loud and to myself.
     It takes a complete two hours and thirty-two minutes to reach a town. The sun is dipping rapidly now as I run to the nearest inn.
     Bursting threw the door and to the shabby counter. I see a middle aged man sitting behind the tan counter reading some magazine over how the PlayBoy mansion was being rebuilt.
     "Hello?" My voice sounds cracked and weak, even to myself.
     "Yes, how may I help you?" The man says without looking up from his magazine.
     My eyes scan the desk spotting a name plate which reads, Eriven, what kind of name is that I ask myself."Yes... Eriven? I'd like a room for the next three nights." My voice has gain its strength back causing Eriven to look up and met me with curious eyes.
     "Yes, of course." He withdrawals himself up from the chair and magazine. "Right this way sir...." He leads me to room 317 a blue door with a red square in the middle along with a shiny brass knob. "You will have to turn in your payment for all three nights on your second day at this time." With a nod he drops the key in my hand and disappears back to the front.
     With a quick eye roll I unlock the door and step into the room. Its no bigger than a classroom with a double bed in the right corner. The rooms completely draped in curtains and blankets, even rugs which range colors; blue, green, purple, black, and even pink. Across on the left wall is a door, in which, I assume leads to the bathroom.
     I turn closing the door and than heading to the bed. I still haven't got any food, I think to myself. As if right on cue my stomach rumbles causing me to turn on my side. The knife, which I'd forgotten was there, stabs my side.
     "Damn you!" My voice bellows and carries all my frustration as I pull it out and chuck it at the door. With a loud "clank" it smacks and falls. My breath hitches and that's the last thing I remember.....

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