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If I had known that trying to just print something would get me in trouble with the substitute, I wouldn't have done it at all. But being the stupid me, I decided why wait? and print the dumb thing so I could give it to my favorite teacher. What a mistake that had been.

As I was walking to my first period, Robotics, I noticed that my teacher wasn't there at the door like she usually was. And that was pretty bizarre to me.

I hopped - yes, I hop sometimes - inside the room and looked around, searching for Ms. Robotics Person. When I didn't see her there, alarms flashed through my brain and I instantly panicked. No way did I want a darn substitute. Yeah, all substitutes adored me for my quietness and stuff, not to be braggy, but some of them were so out of the system.

Luckily, the substitute wasn't here just yet. I had a little time to get my breakfast munchies. I bounded over to the table that held the breakfast cards and practically threw all of the cards out in search of my precious card. After a few seconds of searching, I found it in the huge pile of them and I "speedwalked" it outta there. I quickly hurried to the breakfast lady to the right of the corridor and traded for my munchies. I went back into the room and stumbled to my chair that was at the back of the room, greeting my neighbor Brendon. Don't tell him this, but sometimes I copy off of his notes when he's not looking.

Sitting down, I opened the excuse of a protein bar and bit into it. I turned my computer on. I hope it doesn't freeze on the dang loading screen like all of the other times, I thought to myself as I patiently waited for the screen to change. Fortunately, it loaded correctly and I loved it for that. I typed in the password and instantly cringed as I heard someone walk into the room.

To my surprise, the substitute was actually one of the faculty members at my school. Looking back on it, I noticed that I never really knew that she was one of them. She took her seat at the teacher's chair and started doing roll call. When she called my name out loud, I turned to face her proudly. Giving her a faint smile, I raised my hand and waved slightly, replying with a quiet "here."

She moved on to Brendon; I instantly relaxed and sank back in my seat. After a few minutes, she finished calling everyone for attendance. As soon as she was done, I shot up from my seat and walked briskly over to my team. There were five other people in our group, so we had taken the corner with the door right next to us - and by us, I meant me.

Since my own computer was practically on the other side of the room, I decided to just use someone else's computer for searching up a theme song. Apparently we were doing a Mexican theme. Don't judge me, I didn't make it up!

One of my teammates hurried over to me. "Search up a Mexican song for our theme." she said, but I frowned in reply.

"But we had one?" I mumbled in confusion. "Bailando?"

She looked at me before nodding and walking away. I was left with my other two classmates. We did stuff for a while, like tinkering with our build and adjusting the ponchos on our three robots. While they were working with the programming, a thought struck me.

"Guys, I'm gonna do something." I announced and typed up Wattpad. I was gonna attempt to print out one of my stories to give to my English teacher. As I entered it, the others around me gasped.

My cousin popped up beside me and stared at my screen with a snort. "Wattpad is stupid."

"What is Wattpad?" another asked, and I stared at them in horror before turning my gaze back to my computer.

I copy-and-pasted the draft. I took a small glance around me to see if the teacher was there. When I couldn't see her, I looked back and started to print, but someone stopped me before I could.

"What are you doing?" the substitute barked at me.

I froze in terror and stared at the lady behind me. She glared back. Gulping, I decided to just tell the truth. "I-I w-was trying to print something." I stuttered.

Her eyes pierced through me like daggers. "Does she let you do that?"

I shook my head, then nodded. "Is it homework."

I contemplated what is was. It was kind of an extra assignment I wanted to do, but I decided to just tell her it was homework.

When I did, her face morphed into something horrible and nightmarish.

"Get out of it now." she growled, and I instinctively obeyed her. She turned around slightly before looking back at me. "What's your name?"

Obviously not thinking clearly, I opened my mouth and mumbled my name.

She seemed satisfied and nodded, walking away. Meanwhile I was watching her with a scared and sad look on my face. "I'm sorry..." I sniffled quietly, but I could tell she didn't hear. I don't think she even cared.

Around me, my teammates stared and picked on me. All I could think of that day was what was going to happen to me next class?

Middle School Of Weird - A Tale of FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now