The house

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Your POV
Me and Carl are on are way to his house where his dad is still knocked out. "This is us" Carl said looking at me then to the big White House.
We walk inside and I go up stairs and find a girls bedroom so I look around
for some new cloths and stuff them into my bag. I look into the mirror and think wow didn't realize how many cuts I have and how much weight I lost lost from starvation. I hear screaming, it sound like Carl so I race down the stairs and find Carl screaming at his dad about this non-sense and the last thing I heard him say was "YOU WERE THERE LEADER" before I grabbed him and started tearing up saying it's "gonna be ok" and we fell on the floor with him still in my arms.
I heard his dad and Carl got out of my arms and looked at his dad tears coming down his face with a gun in his hand. "I can't do it" he said and his dad said something he said "Carl". That left a shocked/smiling look on are face.

I saw that two more people looked at my writing so I added a part to my story😉 love y'all babes

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