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My knee is messed up... I keep going to the trainer and I get some new diagnosis every time... first it was "it's just from over use and weak hips. Here are some exercises you can do to help." I started catching anyway...recipe for disaster. Then it was "you bruised the back of your knee cap and probably pulled a hammy. Here's an exercise that should help. Come in and let me know how your doing." I have a feeling that when I go tomorrow it's only going to get worse. I will keep you posted on what's wrong.

Tonight I was marching in and the back of my knee tensed up and it was really painful... then a sharp pain wet across the back of it and I had to stop marching. Then... I know I shouldn't have... but I kept going all through practice.. now I can barely walk on it and I'm icing it and I just tried to bend it but that was hell all on its own.

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