the beginning

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The bell rings
Ring Ring .
I rushed out of school and ran home as fast as i can.
A car pulled up infront of my house.
Mikuo walks up towards me and says..
"You have a guest miku"
My eyes widen. I walk inside.
A guy with short brown hair , maybe around my age walks up to me .
"Are you Hatsune Miku??"
"Yes i am and you are?"
"I am the person who you be living with"
I was in shocked. I didnt know i was going to be living with someone else. I promised mikuo i be with him ever since our parents died.
"What you mean by living with you?" I said.
"You are a special person who has to live with me.
I looked at mikuo. His sad face scared me. I ran up to mikuo .
"Do i have to go??"
Mikuo crys*.
"You have t-to go i-if you c-can convince h-him if i can g-go with y-yo..."
I began to sobb into tears. Knowing im going to live with a stranger after all who wants too.
It was May 23 5:34 pm.
I hopped into a car and left .
I saw the sadness in mikuo's eyes.
I covered my face and feel asleep in my tears.
I woke up, i felt a touch on my shoulder. A young boy about the age of me woke me up.
He has grayish hair in a ponytail, kinda messy , he was wearing a gray polo shirt with a purpleish redish tie and black pants.
I screamed and slaped him of course.
"OWW !! WAT THE FUCK YOU DID THAT FOR!!!?!!?!?!?!" He shouted loudly.
I apologized , " i -im S-s-sorry "
The boy looked at me with a straight eye and blushed.
I looked at him whiled he blushed.
"Is something wrong ??" I said
He looks away , " NOO!"
I stand straight up and looked around. The room was blue-ish white-ish.
There were flowers beside me.
I got up and asked .
" what is your name??"
"My name!! "
I replyed yes.
" Dell Honne ."
" hi dell my name is Hatsune Miku" i said cheerfully.
There was a knocked in the door . I looked up and a lady with pink long hair walked inside.
I known the girl somewhere before. The person poped into my head.
"LUKA SAMA" i said randomly .
She looked at me and waved. I known her from a vocaloid magazine. Me and my friends are fangirls of vocaloid people.
She smiled ," hello miku , i suppose you already know me"
I stopped talking . I sound like a nerd .
She looked confusied at me.
I blushed of emberssed ment.

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